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Week #8 Response/Week #8 Response

Geetangalie’s Week Response #8

Posted by Geetangalie Goberdan on

The Black Mirror episodes “San Junipero” and “The Entire History of You” were both a mind-bending experience. San Junipero was based around an alternate world where people have a choice of their end of life experience. When you have reached your final days you get to experience what it is like being youthful again in a place called San Junipero. Such is achieved when a device is attached to your head that brings your mental state to a false world. In the end, you get to choose to spend the rest of eternity here or move on to the afterworld. San Junipero reminded me of how we as humans try to escape the terrors of reality and live in a temporarily euphoric world. There are various ways we try to achieve this, whether it be how some people use drugs and alcohol or others go into depressive phases where they sleep excessively. We get so caught up in this alternate reality we do not want to go back actuality, this is where it becomes toxic. “The Entire History of You” depicted a society where you can implant a chip in your neck that stores all of your memory. This allows you to relive every moment you have seen, it also permits you to delete certain memories and through the technological advances analyze other conversations you have seen. While watching “The Entire History of You” I related it to the human infatuation with nostalgia. As humans, we are shaped by all the experiences we have made and constantly relive those moments in our head. Our bad habits including focusing on all the good memories we have with bad people and forgetting or neglecting the bad ones. A society like the one present in this episode would only lead to a community of people who could not move on from the past. Also, because people can always have the chance of rewatching your own memories and we lose that privacy, we would become cautious and lose the genuineness of conversations with people.

Week #9 Response/Week #9 Response

Week #9 Response

Posted by Ming Hin Cheung on

In “Backpacks vs. Briefcases: Steps toward Rhetorical Analysis”, Laura Bolin Carroll explains the need for rhetorical analysis to assist in deciphering the purpose and intent behind a plethora of situations encountered daily. She expounds on the subject by describing the steps required to effectively do this.

In her piece, Carroll first points out how we are continuously analyzing the people and environment around us. Through our observations and past experiences, we are usually able to come to a conclusion pretty quickly with regard to the person or thing we are analyzing. Often times this is done without even noticing that we are doing it, without understanding there is actually a mechanism behind it. Carroll explains that this process is called rhetorical analysis and how understanding this skill, and becoming proficient in it, will allow us to “become better about making savvy judgments about the people, situations and media we encounter.”

    Rhetorical analysis is the ability to evaluate the way language and images are used to persuade and influence our daily choices. According to Carroll, “one of the first places to start is context.” She goes on to explain that in order to determine and understand the context, there are three factors one should consider: exigence, audience and constraints.

Week #9 Response/Week #9 Response

Hakeem Leonce Week 9 Response

Posted by Hakeem Leonce on

This was a really good read to someone like me, who always questioned the way people lessen the social impact of advertisements. The points made by Laura Carroll about social media being a place that requires rhetorical analysis were very well stated. She placed a focused lens on how with a unaware mind the consistent selling, persuading and manipulating can easily control the things you see.When she acknowledge the facts of advertisement will fabricate an popular image that is desired by the public to show of their product will be the reason for you obtain whatever you want. It’s even crazier because most of the time of misguided information that has no true connection that is blurred by social aesthetics.


In my own life, there was a time where i was in a deep rabbit hole of watching shopping. Since in this day and age, our cookies are stored and studied to know what’s best to show you in the future. So there came a point where I kinda grew closer and closer to buying a specific want. It was a stainless steel gold with a blue face interior and i went back onto m instagram page and just on time, I had at least 4 sponsored pages make their way to my profile feed. It was not like pages I follow or even related photos that I like, but it was the fact that I searched it on googled that instagram knew what it was that I needed to see to get me to think it is convenience rather than manipulative advertisement. For me, it was the fact that i took a second to question why is it that now so many watches are at my fingertip even though I have been wanting it for so long now. Knowing that it was just the fact that the internet knew I placed a watch in a shopping cart on a website to now take the opportunity to make purchasing as easy as they can, to persuade me to buy buy.


Digital Receipt #1/Week #9 Response/Digital Receipt #1/Week #9 Response

Kayla’s Week 9 Response

Posted by Kayla Ye on

It wasnt until after reading Carroll’s piece on rhetorical analysis that in fact, the process is just like when I meet someone for the first time and give them a “judgement”. What I mean by this is how everyone judges everyone else based on the first few seconds they see them. Drawing conclusions from what they wear, what they look like, how they present themsleves, etc. When I first met one of my best friends years ago, I remember the conclusions I drew about her. Before she even talked to me, I knew who she was. I knew her name and that she was someone who knew a lot of people, in my words “one of the popular kids”. I remember seeing her always talking to the teacher at the time and always being the first to volunteer when the teacher needed something to be done. She always talked to everyone in class. Always had makeup on, hair down, presented herself nicely. I always thought she would only talk to me if she needed something from me or if we were inconveniently grouped together. I immediately thought that she was nothing like me- she was always loud and outgoing, I was the one who sat in the back of the classroom silently observing. I wasn’t purposely trying to judge her by just having seen her a few times around the class but it’s just human nature. Its a way for us to learn who we need to stay away from just to live life a little better, a little safer.


Week #9 Response/Week #9 Response

Week #9

Posted by Tanvir Youhana on

So last semester I was given a assignment to choice a social issue and write about it. I was given the option on what would be the focus of my essay, which was a research paper. So, I choice the social issue of air pollution in China and focused on a particle in the air that was able to be breathed into from the air and cause lung damage. I first started off with the type of genre that I wanted to put my research paper in, but before I do that, I needed to know who my audience was. I choice my audience to be middle age work class citizens of China. The reason for this was because they were the ones that were greatly affected by it and had some voice in the government. This also caused me to think were they would most likely read about this and that gave me the idea of putting this on a newspaper in the form of an article with pictures. This way they can read it while going to work in the morning. I was able to create a good thought process using rhetorical analysis and this helped me to get started on a solid foundation. Before all this, I had to find articles that support my claim and viewpoint. So, I had to rhetorically analyses about 7 to 10 articles that support my claim and see if they matched in terms of what my audience was and if my audience would be able to understand what I was citing from my resources. I made a chart of who the audience was, where and when was it written, to see how reliable the data is. All these and more gave me a good idea of how to begin my research paper and how much background info is needed so that I can get my message to the audience in a clear and precise manner.

-Tanvir Youhana

Digital Receipt #9/Digital Receipt #9

Digital Recp #9

Posted by Tanvir Youhana on

I have heard of rhetorical situation before in my freshman English class that I took last semester

Al of these terms are familiar to me, but I still don’t have a good grasp on exigence. This was explained to me during the first semester, but I didn’t quite get it.

All these aspects of the rhetorical context I have used in more than one piece of writing and that can be viewed on my website which has all my writing from last semester.

There are different ways to showcase these rhetorical contexts. For example, in the form of a ad, newspaper article.

I was able to relate to this article as I have gone through similar thought processes when writing.

I also was able to better organize my ideas with he rhetorical situation and made my writing for readable and fluent in transitions between ideas.

-Tanvir Youhana

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