Kayla’s Week 9 Response

It wasnt until after reading Carroll’s piece on rhetorical analysis that in fact, the process is just like when I meet someone for the first time and give them a “judgement”. What I mean by this is how everyone judges everyone else based on the first few seconds they see them. Drawing conclusions from what they wear, what they look like, how they present themsleves, etc. When I first met one of my best friends years ago, I remember the conclusions I drew about her. Before she even talked to me, I knew who she was. I knew her name and that she was someone who knew a lot of people, in my words “one of the popular kids”. I remember seeing her always talking to the teacher at the time and always being the first to volunteer when the teacher needed something to be done. She always talked to everyone in class. Always had makeup on, hair down, presented herself nicely. I always thought she would only talk to me if she needed something from me or if we were inconveniently grouped together. I immediately thought that she was nothing like me- she was always loud and outgoing, I was the one who sat in the back of the classroom silently observing. I wasn’t purposely trying to judge her by just having seen her a few times around the class but it’s just human nature. Its a way for us to learn who we need to stay away from just to live life a little better, a little safer.


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