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Week #6 Response/Week #6 Response

Week 6 Response

Posted by Carlton Yuan on

Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 3 Episode 16, “The Offspring” is about a human android that was created by Data named Lai. Data considers the android as his own child and the android even calls Data his father. Lai starts learning human behaviors by observing the crew members on the ship. In the end, a problem in the brain of Lai and causes the android to malfunction. Data soon finds out that he could not save Lai and so he deactivated the android. Lai was becoming more of a human by expressing its love towards her father data. This brings up the question of whether it was ethical to deactivate Lai. Creating an android like Lai could be really dangerous and it brings up the question whether it is ethical to create such creation. I am majoring in electrical engineering and one part of the IEE code of ethics is to not create anything that would be harmful to society. Although Lai the android was not a danger the society, one day someone could create an AI android that could take over the world. This reminds of Ultron from the Avengers. Tony Stark created Ultron in order to protect Earth. Ultron turns out to be a supervillain determined to destroy Earth. Tony created Ultron using material he was not familiar with, the mind stone. I believe that as long as you know what you’re doing and have the experience, it is ethical to create an android like Lai. Although Data was unable to save Lai, the creation of Lai is important for the advancement of technology.


Week #6 Response/Week #6 Response

ZhiHong li repsone #6

Posted by ZhiHong Li on

The video is very interesting how the AI/ the android able to think as much as we the human being. With my understanding toward the science field it might require lot of knowledge to code a robot’s brain to think as much as we can. We all watch video able how robot able to take, read, think independently but we haven’t seem any exist around us. Which robot is consider as robotic life, so is it same as human baby. Or just a development human being this is a question to consider. If the robot is consider the new baby then there will be some thing to think about. We know  that new born baby is consider pure but as human being grow up there always come to the division of good and bad. That seem to be a idea to think about. And also how should we consider the robot to be good or bad what should we base it on. And the question is that the robot it mention is create by another robot. That is scary or interesting is base on your point of view. Technology improved and the robot that code to create the robot that can thinking itself, so that is the great power of technology. Will the robot have the power over human being and taking over human being like how we did to the animal that once is on top of us. Will is be dangerous for robot to have it’s own mindset? We all will worry about this question because we, human will have conflict toward each other. So the conflict might evolve into greater problem if Ai have it’s own think involve in this case. And we know that Ai can look very similar as human being so if enemy use Ai for killing we are hard to deal with it.

Posts/Reflection #1

Sameer’s Project1_Reflection#1

Posted by Sameer Kunwor on

Project 1 Reflection

I have done the technical report for Measurements which is my physics lab report. I would say I have done pretty good on this topic since measurements is our basic known ideas. Many of us already know how to do the simple measurements but this lab is concerned on fundamental units of length, mass and time. Also, I looked at the relationships between two quantities to see how they are dependent on each other and it will help us better understand our data which I even graphed in Excel. I have written clearly and more meaningful way for the procedure which is the strong part while doing the experiment.

In regards for doing this experiment in a different way, I have done four different methods for finding diameters and circumferences. So, I have figured the best way of getting the correct measurements for finding circular area is Google Map because it contains a computer program algorithm.

I could have mentioned the separate topic for the abstract and key words but those needed were mentioned on the introduction. I have inserted the graph so it would be easier to understand the relationship between the given facts.

The difficult part for me was to make a report question because I wasn’t sure about the types of questions. But I have mentioned its limitations, human errors while doing the experiment, correlation between the circumference of someone’s head and the time between heartbeats, and so on.

Overall, I would say I should be getting the points around 95+ out of 100 which is in the grade form of A. At last I believe this lab helped me to figure out if there’s any relationship between two components of an experiment and I hope anyone who wants to do this experiment would understand its procedure and find the correct way of measurement.

Week #6 Response/Week #6 Response

Week #6 Response

Posted by Ming Hin Cheung on

In this episode, Data becomes a father. He creates another android, naming her Lal. This episode not only re-examines Data’s rights, but the rights of all androids like Data. It also tackles a very difficult subject: tech and ethics. The most emotional moment to watch was when Lal came to realization that she would be separated from her father. Experiencing a flood of emotion, and not knowing what to do with it, she went to Counselor Troi’s quarters. The something in my eyes began to appear with the words, “I feel…” while she struck her chest with the tips of her fingers, later to be followed with, “This is what it means to feel!” This episode is a very powerful episode for me.The actress who plays Lal does such a remarkable job in her role as well. She is able to portray so many emotions even when remaining as an android. I really wished that it could had more time with Data and Lal on the show but then again, this single moment in time was probably more impactful than any long story arc it could have had.

Reflection #1/Reflection #1

Kayla’s Lab Report Reflection

Posted by Kayla Ye on

If I were able to have the option to do this writing assignment again, I would probably choose a different topic or experiment. I say this because I feel like my experiment in particular had steps that were repetitive therefore when written out, it seems to repeat itself as well. I would probably choose a topic that had more variety in the procedure so that the lab report itself wouldn’t be repetitive and somewhat confusing.

For me, the hardest part overall was keeping the overall formality of the lab report understandable. By that I mean I struggled to know when and when not to explain something in depth. I understood that the audience of the lab report would not have a in-depth understanding of Chemistry, my topic of choice, but I wasnt sure at what point I needed to be more specific about how to do something. For example, one of the steps in my procedure is to determine the Molarity of one of the reactants, but I wasn’t sure if I needed to include the formula to do so in this case because it’s also something that one can look up on the internet if needed. In my opinion, I think I did well in the introduction. I believe that I explained the purpose of this experiment and I explained why I did certain things. I explained the purpose of extra reactants, such as the sulfuric acid and boiling chips, and the purpose of using a hot water bath. The explanation of the reason the experiment had to be tried multiple times, all with varying amounts of each reactant, to find the limiting reagent, was one that I’m proud of. It puts it in simple terms of explaining why its important to understand why certain parts of the experiments are conducted



Week #6 Response/Week #6 Response

Hakeem Leonce Week 6 response

Posted by Hakeem Leonce on

Data was such a unique character to me. If he was just a regular human made robot then he would’ve failed in season one. His kindness, innocence, and compassion were his defining characteristics. In almost every way that mattered, he was one of the most human characters on this show lol.


Data’s also basically as human as can be with a perfect memory, so the need for procreation feels almost irrelevant if you think about it. Yet, Data was a remarkably good parent. He was attentive, endlessly patient, informative, and never embarrassed or humiliated by the ridiculous actions of his daughter.


Lal was such a lovely character too. While clearly a robot she possessed characteristics that are also very human at the same time. Her struggles to learn and experience the new world around her were mostly painted with broad strokes, but there was enough in those moments to highlight the important stuff. Like what it meant to Data to emulate humanity, and the isolation and otherness inherent in their existence. Each scene established her presence in Data’s life, and among the crew, making the audience care for her more and more as well, to the point where I didn’t want her to go.


In a big picture her death was very sad. Her final moments, feeling emotion and unable to process them, were simply beautiful. Making her as human as possible because similarly, when we have to deal with emotions we do not know how to handle, we too are unable to process it.


Week #6 Response/Week #6 Response

Weekly Response 6

Posted by Roman Cook on

Technology and Ethics are two crucial aspects of the engineering world. They dictate how we do things, solve problems, relate to each other and communicate.
Obviously, we are becoming more dependent on technology in our lives and work environments. As Rick Smolan said, “Every time there’s a new tool, whether it’s Internet or cell phones or anything else, all these things can be used for good and evil. Technology is neutral; it depends on how it’s used.” (Brainy Quote) Engineering is no different in this respect. We use tech to solve calculations, generate models for our buildings and communicate with our colleagues. We can also become too dependent on it to some extent. It would be virtually impossible to go a day with out using tech in some fashion.
Likewise, ethics are an essential bedrock of any industry or business. Ethics are the hidden guideline for how we coexist and work together in a quality manner. With out ethics much of every industry would be corrupt and impossible to navigate fairly. Bidding jobs, contracts, safety, and many more engineering-based core principles would be at jeopardy with out ethics.
Is there a parallel between ethics and tech in the work space? I believe technology some what negatively effects ethics. The more we use tech the less we work together to form solid relationships from what trust is built. This allows for less ethics overall since there are less face to face interactions. Ethics are supposed to be woven into our industries naturally, but it is difficult to uphold those ethics when we spend less and less time together.

Reflection #1/Reflection #1

Reflection 1

Posted by Roman Cook on

What can I improve on?
I believe my lab report was very strong. If I could improve on anything it would be my detail and the pathos in my abstract. The grammar details in the report are an area that I should key in on in the future. Also, during my abstract I struggled a bit giving the reader a reason to explore the data/results further. Lastly, I could have added several more sources to help make the report more reader friendly and upbeat.

What would I do differently?
Honestly, I wouldn’t do much differently. I am not a perfect writer and can improve in many areas in that regard. I put a ton of work into the results, calculations and graphs and I believe it showed on the outcome.

What sections were difficult and why?
The most difficult section for me was the abstract. Mainly because I care about the topic of the lab report, gravity, but could understand why many wouldn’t. I found it difficult to call the reader to the cause past the obvious fact that gravity affects us all daily.

What aspects of the lab report were a home run? I believe my intro, results, calculations and conclusion were strong. I explained the experiment in depth also with the procedures so any reader could get the idea of what was going on in the experiment.

What grade should I receive? I would be very happy receiving a 95 on the first project. I worked several hours on the experiment followed by several hours on the lab report itself. There are certainly areas to improve but overall it was a quality report.

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