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Posts/Week #7 Response

ZhiHong Li week 7 response

Posted by ZhiHong Li on

In the video, it is about the girl Lacie trying to get into the program. However, her GPA of 4.2 is lower than the requirement to join which is 4.5. She did try to improve GPA but life is not what so ever easy to do so and she at the end decrease her GPA. This is related  to the real world just like how some company and school only offer for the student who have high GPA and test score for the jobs and the economy support. And there is always some unfairness between the way people being treated. Lower test score does that mean the person doesn’t know how to response to the question. No, that can be affect by other case such as their sleeping condition which they study too hard but have no enough sleep which might led to this outcome. And is the grading of the teacher fair, some teacher might not know how hard the student work for improving and still fail doesn’t that means they no try hard enough. We know that not everyone is a great test taker, does the test measure how much each person know? The answer is no, just like the girl Lacie trying to improve, might be the way she try is wrong but did anyone truthy want to help and giving the advise? The “grading” is just pushing people toward the grade but not learning. The “testing” is just pushing people to remembering. the information and forget right after. That’s what the grading and testing pushing the people to, but losing the purpose of learning and understanding what they learn. Pushing people to remind and forget is making all the thing even worst without knowing if everyone understand or not. So learning morn about knowing and understanding, not about test, grade and remembering.



Posted by Alexander Rao on

This episode of Black Mirror is one of my personal favorites. It is on a different level of disturbing. It is painful to watch Lacie struggle with maintaining a superficial version of herself to advertise to the world. The world she lives in essentially judges everyone by how others react to them. This is incredibly psychologically damaging, since one cannot control how other people will react to them, no matter how much they try. That being said, your life is not your own in a world like this one. That would be quite scary to me. The real world we live in already has all of the mechanisms that the mirror world has. All that is different is that the information is applied to EVERYTHING. The data and information on your social media account is not a reasonable set to draw large and personal conclusion from. When you have a real interaction and relationship with someone, you gather data based on your perception but when you are looking at someone through the lens of social media, you are only seeing what the account holder wants you to see. This shield allows people to be their fake self with relative ease. The real self is hidden. This is the case in real life as well, but it is not as easy. People psychologically cannot betray their own nature for long, and being face to face makes it much harder. Most of our communication is non-verbal, and it is this communication that is the most truthful and telling of a person. This information is not available via a social media profile, and the information that can be easily manipulated. In a world like this mirror world, one cannot be themselves, but rather you are forced to be represented by what others think.

Posts/Week #7 Response

Hakeem Leonce week 7 response

Posted by Hakeem Leonce on

When I first seen this episode it made me give a second thought of what social media has evolved to over time. How it became not only so powerful but also a ruler of many. Seeing how much people’s’ thoughts and behaviors can be influenced based on the electrical documentation of what may be but also what may not be. I thought of places such as LA, NYC, MIA and ATL and how lives promoted through social media can make so many people think that it a reality that they should try to obtain. Somehow a picture or a minute long video with a high count of likes and comment gained equivalence to something like a impactful individual in real life.

In my personal experiences, I consciously avoid giving social media power to determine an individual’s perceived personhood, especially if I have not meet and had a chance to know who that person is for myself. I really use it for memes, funny videos, and sometimes for motivational purposes. So I do not post much often when it comes to things that i do, accomplish or even going through. So for me what people see or like of me in regards to the things I post doesn’t really touch a spot for me.

My response to the narrative of the movie is while understanding it current relevance, I feel like it is very accurate. Yes, the general motive behind searching for likes are for momentary pleasure, it has become to large that social media itself can move you up economical classes.


Reflection #1

Posted by Alexander Rao on

Upon reflection,


This lab report assignment was quite useful to me as one who is going back to school and hoping to study engineering. This kind of work is not something that I have done in a long time, but I will be expected to know how to do it well enough that I can complete a report on my own. The report that I have done is basic but includes all of the parts of a proper report with enough information for the experiment to be repeated. Because the materials and procedures for a pinewood derby car race are very time consuming and resource heavy to recreate, I simulated the experiment in theory. I did not actually conduct it. This means that the data that I ‘collected’ is completely fabricated and in this case tailored to support my hypothesis. This clearly saved a lot of time on the whole process leaving just the actual report to put effort into. The report itself was time consuming mostly because of the graphic media and tables that I included. I am completely unfamiliar with graphic design, so making the design blueprints was a separate learning process with a new program (TDI Technical Drawing and Illustration) but they are necessary to making a clear report in this case. The learning process was essentially trial and error. I first made the blueprints by hand (actually the entire report, to simulate doing the actual experiment) and proceeded to learn a way to make the same thing digitally. I also refamiliarized myself with spread sheet making and using formulas. The actual text of my report is simple, as the experiment itself is basic and the supplies are all standardized. The report could include more details about the materials and procedure, however these details are not necessary to recreate the experiment’s function, so they were not added in plethora. I wanted to make sure that I kept the report clear and did not add confusion. I feel like the learning that I did was not in the amount of useless details I could invent, but rather that I refamiliarized myself with thinking through a process in a scientific manner. I believe that the skills I used/practiced are transmutable to any size project, and that the only difference would be the technicality of the description of the pieces of the experiment.

Having said all of this, I would assign myself a B – for this assignment as it shows understanding of the basics of the project and how to apply them, however the project itself and the report could include more details and high level calculations and data points. Also, the things in the project that use standard of ‘official’ measurement could be described in detail, instead of assuming the person reading will find the same/correct standards. Another draft will likely be done, adding new information and a more in depth analysis of why the experiment resulted in the data that it did.

Posts/Reflection #1

Sameer’s Project1_Reflection#1

Posted by Sameer Kunwor on

Project 1 Reflection

I have done the technical report for Measurements which is my physics lab report. I would say I have done pretty good on this topic since measurements is our basic known ideas. Many of us already know how to do the simple measurements but this lab is concerned on fundamental units of length, mass and time. Also, I looked at the relationships between two quantities to see how they are dependent on each other and it will help us better understand our data which I even graphed in Excel. I have written clearly and more meaningful way for the procedure which is the strong part while doing the experiment.

In regards for doing this experiment in a different way, I have done four different methods for finding diameters and circumferences. So, I have figured the best way of getting the correct measurements for finding circular area is Google Map because it contains a computer program algorithm.

I could have mentioned the separate topic for the abstract and key words but those needed were mentioned on the introduction. I have inserted the graph so it would be easier to understand the relationship between the given facts.

The difficult part for me was to make a report question because I wasn’t sure about the types of questions. But I have mentioned its limitations, human errors while doing the experiment, correlation between the circumference of someone’s head and the time between heartbeats, and so on.

Overall, I would say I should be getting the points around 95+ out of 100 which is in the grade form of A. At last I believe this lab helped me to figure out if there’s any relationship between two components of an experiment and I hope anyone who wants to do this experiment would understand its procedure and find the correct way of measurement.



Posted by Alexander Rao on

Data had no one with experience to help him into sentience, but Lal has Data. Data is considered sentient but he does not feel, Lal does eventually. What is the difference? Maybe it is that Lal has another like her to empathize with? Or is it possibly an inevitable part of creating a more aware machine? It is strange to think about treating anything with the same regard we give ourselves as a species. There is no example of us having an equal in our environment. We have made it our mission to dominate everything else around us, so why do we want to create a rival for ourselves? It seems to be accepted that the existence of a superior intelligence to ourselves would benefit us greatly, but at what potential costs? It seems to me that it would be dangerous to create anything that is dominant to ourselves using the assumption that we can keep it handicapped and enslaved as our safety net.

The portrayal of Data as a parent is also interesting, as it makes the AI a self sustaining life force of some kind. In this situation, the AI can truly become a successful competitor in our shared environment, as it can proliferate itself. The fear from the Admiral that the new android creates is rooted in the fact that the android presents some form of threat. The ethical dilemma of when to define something as equal to ourselves is one that we cannot possibly fully understand until we can look at it with hindsight unfortunately. The ability to procreate is certainly a characteristic we associate with being alive. I believe that it is theoretically possible that ‘life’ can exist is a technological manner, but it has yet to be seen.

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