This lab report focused on the relationship between the density and surface tension of liquids. Although I used an old lab report from high school I was able to add a lot of new information that I never knew before and I learned a lot of new things. In my high school lab report, I only had a few sections. I didn’t need a theoretical background, analysis or abstract and so I didn’t know what they were. This was because in high school I was writing the lab report for only my teacher to read. In this lab report, however, I added an abstract, analysis and theoretical background. This time, I was writing this lab report for anyone to read and so it is important they understand the experiment. I decided to add a theoretical background because I felt that explaining the theory of surface tension would be too much in an introduction.
I believe I could have improved some parts in my lab report. One part I believe I could have done better was in the procedure. Although I understand the procedure it is clear to me, I am not sure if others would understand. I felt like my procedure was not clear enough. In terms of what I could have done to make the experiment better, I could have used a better balance beam or container. Writing the lab report was difficult because it was hard thinking about new things that I could include in the report. Since I used an old lap report from high school, all my ideas were already in my lab report. At first, my high school lab report had 700 words. After a lot of research and brainstorming, I managed to write an additional 900 words. Another difficult part of the lab report was explaining the theoretical background in a way that anyone could understand it. I feel like I did a good job on this because I defined a lot of scientific terms and used simple words.
For this lab report, I would give myself a 90 because I completed all the sections of a lab report. I feel like someone with no knowledge of surface tension could understand what it is by reading my lab report. I also had to do a lot of research because my high school lab report only covered the experiment and was uncompleted. Since this lab report was already half done, I feel like a 90 is a good grade based on the amount of work I had to put in.