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Reflection #1/Reflection #1

Reflection #1(Ming Hin Cheung)

Posted by Ming Hin Cheung on

My lab report explored the graphics performance differences between macOS and Windows, with benchmarking from games and tools across both platforms. The most difficult sections for me is abstract, it’s because It was difficult to put everything on the lab report to 1-2 paragraphs. I did really well on data by creating tables to record the results from difference MacBook. I would give myself a 95, from borrowing the laptops, installing operating systems, installing benchmarking tools and games, calculating the frame rate from each result, to writing about the whole test and putting a result in the lab report, I put lots of work on this lab report. I can definitely improve my lab report by using multiple methods, I would use more than 3 benchmarking tools, rather than just using two. and give myself more time on the lab report, because I had to borrow laptops from others and installing boot camps on the laptops, so the time management was very important.

Week #6 Response/Week #6 Response

Weekly Response #6

Posted by Tanvir Youhana on

The definition of a offspring is a person child or children. It can be said that Lal is the offspring of Data because he was the one that created Lal. It can be also that the offspring lives with the parent until they are able to fend for themselves. The parent teaches them everything about life and how the world works, however the commander thinks otherwise. He is trying to break this bond between the parent and the offspring and I believe that that is not ethical. He has no right to separate them as they are connected and he should out of all people should know that as he is a parent himself. If androids were to replicate themselves than my field of computer engineering will be taken over by these android as they can fix the problems themselves. We will not even be needed to fix any problems as the androids will be able to solve them for us at a faster and more precise way than us. There arms will be stronger as well and will be able to handle more data at one time than a human can ever. Basically, we computer engineers will not have any jobs. We can already see this in many job areas already. For example, car used to be made by hand by humans, but now they are being made by robotic arms that can work 24/7 without stopping at all. This makes them more reliable and replacing thousands of jobs that normal humans beings can have.

-Tanvir Youhana


Digital Receipt #6/Digital Receipt #6

DR #6

Posted by Tanvir Youhana on


An android creating another android is an idea that scares me because if they are to create other androids like themselves than then they can create an army of androids that can destroy humans.

I feel like that we shouldn’t consider an android that was built by another android as an offspring because they are duplicates of themselves. They do not have different features from each other. They will act the same way as the other androids.

I wonder how the world would be like if we were able to choose the gender that we wanted to be born as. The commander had a change of heart when helping data try to save Lal. It looked like being a parent himself caused him to have a soft spot for Lal when data was trying to save her. He even was there to help data, but sadly it wasn’t enough.

-Tanvir Youhana


Reflection #1/Reflection #1

Hakeem Leonce Reflection #1

Posted by Hakeem Leonce on

After looking back through my project proposal, my reflection on how it came out is that I am extremely satisfied with the end result. Speaking in regards to its creativity and individuality and it was able to take principles and concepts from both technical labs and project proposal and morphed into a report that reaches a wide spectrum of audience while maintaining its technical and formal integrity. It is formal but in a very simplistic form and this was accomplished by my time put in studying formal proposal and reports to understand their purpose. Once that was in my head it took critical thinking mixed with creativity to create a proposal that shares characteristics of a technical report.
Now, with the formatting, while it was hard to derive a setup to accomplish both proposal and report, I believe that my report is very clear in differentiating between subcategories and why it holds a place in the overall published report. With all this said, this technical report looks like an A+ due to the finished product and the unspoken time and effort put in to making it presentable and if I may add pretty informative to the reader.



Posted by Alexander Rao on

Data had no one with experience to help him into sentience, but Lal has Data. Data is considered sentient but he does not feel, Lal does eventually. What is the difference? Maybe it is that Lal has another like her to empathize with? Or is it possibly an inevitable part of creating a more aware machine? It is strange to think about treating anything with the same regard we give ourselves as a species. There is no example of us having an equal in our environment. We have made it our mission to dominate everything else around us, so why do we want to create a rival for ourselves? It seems to be accepted that the existence of a superior intelligence to ourselves would benefit us greatly, but at what potential costs? It seems to me that it would be dangerous to create anything that is dominant to ourselves using the assumption that we can keep it handicapped and enslaved as our safety net.

The portrayal of Data as a parent is also interesting, as it makes the AI a self sustaining life force of some kind. In this situation, the AI can truly become a successful competitor in our shared environment, as it can proliferate itself. The fear from the Admiral that the new android creates is rooted in the fact that the android presents some form of threat. The ethical dilemma of when to define something as equal to ourselves is one that we cannot possibly fully understand until we can look at it with hindsight unfortunately. The ability to procreate is certainly a characteristic we associate with being alive. I believe that it is theoretically possible that ‘life’ can exist is a technological manner, but it has yet to be seen.

Reflection #1/Reflection #1

Lab report reflection

Posted by Carlton Yuan on

This lab report focused on the relationship between the density and surface tension of liquids. Although I used an old lab report from high school I was able to add a lot of new information that I never knew before and I learned a lot of new things. In my high school lab report, I only had a few sections. I didn’t need a theoretical background, analysis or abstract and so I didn’t know what they were. This was because in high school I was writing the lab report for only my teacher to read. In this lab report, however, I added an abstract, analysis and theoretical background. This time, I was writing this lab report for anyone to read and so it is important they understand the experiment. I decided to add a theoretical background because I felt that explaining the theory of surface tension would be too much in an introduction.


I believe I could have improved some parts in my lab report. One part I believe I could have done better was in the procedure. Although I understand the procedure it is clear to me, I am not sure if others would understand. I felt like my procedure was not clear enough. In terms of what I could have done to make the experiment better, I could have used a better balance beam or container. Writing the lab report was difficult because it was hard thinking about new things that I could include in the report. Since I used an old lap report from high school, all my ideas were already in my lab report. At first, my high school lab report had 700 words. After a lot of research and brainstorming, I managed to write an additional 900 words. Another difficult part of the lab report was explaining the theoretical background in a way that anyone could understand it. I feel like I did a good job on this because I defined a lot of scientific terms and used simple words.


For this lab report, I would give myself a 90 because I completed all the sections of a lab report. I feel like someone with no knowledge of surface tension could understand what it is by reading my lab report. I also had to do a lot of research because my high school lab report only covered the experiment and was uncompleted. Since this lab report was already half done, I feel like a 90 is a good grade based on the amount of work I had to put in.

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