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Week #7 Response/Week #7 Response

Kayla’s Week 7 Response

Posted by Kayla Ye on

I think that this episode of Black Mirror Nosedive is more relevant than it ever has been and only will continue to prevail as time goes on. This is because in this episode, it depicts what society might relaly become someday. As I called it, it’s a Yelp but for people but in this case, people are trying hard to fake their impressions. Trying ever so hard to get that five-star rating by partaking in useless events and impressing strangers. This isn’t my first time watching this episode yet somehow each time, I’m more and more surprised at how relatable its has become as time progresses. It instills a sense of fear to be honest, that one day we all have to fake to be nice and pretend to be happy and caring for people we don’t even know when even in days like today, I tend to ignore my best friends for hours so I can do homework. In the episode I could see some parallels already forming, an example being when Lacie orders a drink from the café just to take a nice picture even though it tastes, judging from her expression disgusting. My mother for example does the same, she always tells me to take her fancy places to eat so she can take nice pictures and post them on her social media and her friends can compliment her. My friends mothers do the same and we always talk about how our parents are putting on such a fake type of lifestyle for others to see.


Reflection #1

Posted by Alexander Rao on

Upon reflection,


This lab report assignment was quite useful to me as one who is going back to school and hoping to study engineering. This kind of work is not something that I have done in a long time, but I will be expected to know how to do it well enough that I can complete a report on my own. The report that I have done is basic but includes all of the parts of a proper report with enough information for the experiment to be repeated. Because the materials and procedures for a pinewood derby car race are very time consuming and resource heavy to recreate, I simulated the experiment in theory. I did not actually conduct it. This means that the data that I ‘collected’ is completely fabricated and in this case tailored to support my hypothesis. This clearly saved a lot of time on the whole process leaving just the actual report to put effort into. The report itself was time consuming mostly because of the graphic media and tables that I included. I am completely unfamiliar with graphic design, so making the design blueprints was a separate learning process with a new program (TDI Technical Drawing and Illustration) but they are necessary to making a clear report in this case. The learning process was essentially trial and error. I first made the blueprints by hand (actually the entire report, to simulate doing the actual experiment) and proceeded to learn a way to make the same thing digitally. I also refamiliarized myself with spread sheet making and using formulas. The actual text of my report is simple, as the experiment itself is basic and the supplies are all standardized. The report could include more details about the materials and procedure, however these details are not necessary to recreate the experiment’s function, so they were not added in plethora. I wanted to make sure that I kept the report clear and did not add confusion. I feel like the learning that I did was not in the amount of useless details I could invent, but rather that I refamiliarized myself with thinking through a process in a scientific manner. I believe that the skills I used/practiced are transmutable to any size project, and that the only difference would be the technicality of the description of the pieces of the experiment.

Having said all of this, I would assign myself a B – for this assignment as it shows understanding of the basics of the project and how to apply them, however the project itself and the report could include more details and high level calculations and data points. Also, the things in the project that use standard of ‘official’ measurement could be described in detail, instead of assuming the person reading will find the same/correct standards. Another draft will likely be done, adding new information and a more in depth analysis of why the experiment resulted in the data that it did.

Digital Receipt #7/Digital Receipt #7

Dig # 7

Posted by Tanvir Youhana on

This show from the beginning showed how fake people’s lives can be.

When she was laughing creepy in the mirror made me realized how insecure she was about herself.

Also, I realized how humans always want to feel accepted by others and they want others to like them.

This system of rating people based on their social media accounts and every single interaction that you have with others is not a good system to determine if a person is mentally stable to be in society.

The most creative minds nowadays didn’t even graduate college and they have achieved such great things

I also have seen some of the behaviors mentioned in this show in society now. For example, people posting everything they do on social media. Stalking people’s social media too if they are popular or not.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to base how people are around what rating they get. You should be willing to get to know the person.

This show also shows how the world seems to be going towards because of all the futuristic technologies that I see in the show.

I have also noticed that this system of rating is like something in society today, which is you are either poor, middle class, or rich. If you are rich you can go anywhere and anyplace. The middle class can get around places and get what they want sometimes. Finally, there are the poor people that don’t get what they want and don’t get to go where they want. They are outcasted by society and don’t have the money to survive with the essentials.

-Tanvir Youhana

Week #7 Response/Week #7 Response

QianXing’s Weekly Response #7

Posted by QianXing Ou on

After watching Black Mirror Season 3 episode 1, it makes me feel very unfortunate for Lacie. She was a great, enthusiastic girl with a 4.2 grade.( from my understanding the grade is scale from 1 to 5, meaning her grade was pretty high)  Then because she wants to join a program that require a grade of 4.5, she tries every possible thing to increase her grade, so she decides to go to her friend’s wedding and make a speech and hope that she can increase her grade. At the end, her grade drops dramatically and she ended up in the jail.

I feel this is relatable to me.  When I post something online, I always hope that more people will like my post.  I feel bad if only a few people liked my post. I feel like this is an unhealthy behavior since it is just a post, an online post. Why do I have to care so much? However, even if I tell myself about that, I still care about the likes. I still care about the impression that other people are having on me. Same thing happen with other people. When I watch videos on youtube, those youtubers always want more likes for their videos. If they get enough likes, they will make more videos. On the other hand, if they get little or no likes, they will not keep doing it.  Those likes or “grades” online is just like the money that we use in the real world. We need them to work harder. Even though I think likes are important because it encourages people to work harder and produce work with great quality, too much of it will be terrible. It will take over your soul and controls you to do something you don’t agree.

Social media is a powerful tool. Some candidates use social media to convince people to vote for them. Also, it gives people a chance to know about other people’s daily life. People can also use this to share their own life. All of these are benefits of social media.  However, if people become too serious about this, it might have the opposite effect. There’s a famous quote from Albert Einstein-”I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.” Don’t let social media controls you. You should be the one controlling it.

Reflection #1/Reflection #1

Jaspreet Reflection 1

Posted by Jaspreet Jaswal on

What can you improve on?


What would I do differently?

What sections were difficult?

What aspects were super good?

Assign a grade and explain


This assignment helped me convey my thoughts and process of how my father and I built a home from scratch. This assignment correlated to the field of construction and civil engineering, and it also expanded toward banking (Mortgaging a house) as well as plumbing and electrical engineering (installing circuits for lights and electricity). This shows the amount of effort and work it takes for different professions to work in the field together which allows for the growth of knowledge. One thing I would do differently is probably insert more pictures and do less writing. A picture describes a thousand words and if I had a picture for every topic I covered in my lab, I feel like it would get the point across much better. The section that was difficult for me was probably describing on how to place the foundation of the house. Depending on the perimeter and depth of the house, each house varies in terms of soil measurement. It was hard for me to get that point across. The aspect that was super good was as I said, how different professions collided and worked efficiently for one common goal. I think I deserve a 95 on this assignment because it was a difficult report with a lot of topics, but I feel as if I got the main message with a lot of points across on the basic fundamental of constructing.


Reflection #1/Reflection #1

Reflection #1

Posted by Tanvir Youhana on

This assignment was a good assignment where I had some struggles with the procedure because it was hard for me to dumb down certain terminology for the reader to understand as well as explain certain steps to the reader. I would have worded the procedure better in terms of using less terminology so that the reader will better follow what I was writing. The aspect that I was good at was being able to analysis the results of the experiments and be able to write a clear understanding of the results to the reader. I was also proud of myself for being able to organize my lab report so well so that the reader was able to follow through it. With all this in mind I would give myself a 94 because I had a good time working on this assignment with diligence. I was able to organize my lab report well and it was well informing of how the experiment was done and I was able to get good feedback from my classmates that I have included in my lab report such as categorizing the procedure to make it so that it doesn’t look so disorganized and made easier for the reader to follow what was being said. I would also say that I was aware of what the audience was and made sure that I gave enough background information to the reader so that they will be able to follow through with the experiment. I also made a general outline of how I wanted to organize everything in my head as well on paper.

-Tanvir Youhana

Reflection #1/Reflection #1

Reflection #1

Posted by Weijun Huang on

My lab reports on how oxygen is affecting global warming and tested the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere. This is a topic that I am interested in, and I have done similar research before.

The most difficult problem for me is that there is not much that can be done on the topic of global warming, so the report written cannot be particularly perfect. But I’ve done a lot of work on that, trying to include everything I can. 

I will give myself an 80, maybe I did not do very well in the report, but I tested many times and recorded it, and I tried to write down the impact of the change of oxygen, trying to make the report seem meaningful.

Assignments/Reflection #1

Sambeg’s Lab-Report Reflection

Posted by S Raj on

Sambeg Raj Subedi
ENGL 21007-S
Prof. Jesse Rice-Evans
Lab-Report Reflection

My experiment is about the colligative properties of the solution. This experiment was performed in college Chemistry-Lab with the help of the Lab instructor and my colleagues. In this lab report, I have followed the APA format where Abstract, Introduction, Procedure, Calculation, Results, and Conclusion are well explained and made as simplest as possible to make it understandable for all readers. I choose this experiment for the lab report because this topic is quite technical and fascinating.
Though all the necessary information and data are included in this report, there are still few things where I can improve. Firstly, the use of a graph to display the data obtained from the experiment would be more effective than just mentioning them on the table. Secondly, I have used three sources to explain the theoretical part but instead, I could have used more sources which would certainly help the reader to understand the material clearly. And lastly, use of pictures explaining the procedure would have made the report more understandable.
If I was given second chance to revise my lab report then I would still stick with the same topic but would have used graph, pictures and more sources to make the report more informative and effective.
Results and Conclusion are always a difficult part in any Lab report because its not always true that the experiment we performed will always give positive results. There could also be some errors either experimental or by human . In such cases, how we explain the result and conclude the whole experiment plays a significant role. Thus, in this experiment too, there were certain errors and explaining the exact errors and its consequences on the final result of lab report was quite challenging.
This experiment as a whole was a result-oriented experiment. There were total three sets of an experiment performed. In the first experiment, we could clearly observe the osmosis phenomenon. In the second and third we calculated the values of freezing point depression and boiling point elevation respectively which were close to the expected theoretical value. So, I think obtaining the expected result is the super good aspect of this experiment. Being just specific to the lab report, procedure and calculations are super good aspect because they are self- explanatory.
Despite putting all your hard work and effort there always remains some factors that prevent us from being perfect. These factors in some way are helping us to do better and improve our-self and move towards perfection. Thus, if I had to grade my paper, I would rate it 9/10. I think I deserve this because I had followed all the criteria required for any scientific lab report and more importantly, I had done a lot of research about this subject so that I could provide the detail information about the experiment.

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