Kayla’s Week 7 Response

I think that this episode of Black Mirror Nosedive is more relevant than it ever has been and only will continue to prevail as time goes on. This is because in this episode, it depicts what society might relaly become someday. As I called it, it’s a Yelp but for people but in this case, people are trying hard to fake their impressions. Trying ever so hard to get that five-star rating by partaking in useless events and impressing strangers. This isn’t my first time watching this episode yet somehow each time, I’m more and more surprised at how relatable its has become as time progresses. It instills a sense of fear to be honest, that one day we all have to fake to be nice and pretend to be happy and caring for people we don’t even know when even in days like today, I tend to ignore my best friends for hours so I can do homework. In the episode I could see some parallels already forming, an example being when Lacie orders a drink from the café just to take a nice picture even though it tastes, judging from her expression disgusting. My mother for example does the same, she always tells me to take her fancy places to eat so she can take nice pictures and post them on her social media and her friends can compliment her. My friends mothers do the same and we always talk about how our parents are putting on such a fake type of lifestyle for others to see.

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