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Week #7 Response/Week #7 Response

week 7

Posted by Carlton Yuan on

Black Mirror season 3 ep 1 is called Nosedive. This episode is about a woman named Lacie Pound who lives in a world where devices are implanted in people’s eyes and people can share their daily activities and rate interactions they have with different people. In this society, having a high interaction rating could get you a good job, a better car or house. In an attempt to receive a discount for a luxury apartment, Laccie tries to get her interaction rating higher by being nice and outgoing. One day she is at the airport and she accidentally causes someone to spill their coffee. Her rating went down which prevents her from renting a new car, buying her apartment and going to her friend’s wedding. In the end, she goes to jail and has the device removed. Although I feel bad for Lacie because she goes to jail, I am happy that she does not have to worry about ratings anymore and is happy. She has found peace because she is no longer censored and can say whatever she wants.

This episode is very similar to today society. Today, people are obsessed about how other people think about them over the internet. Some people live fake lives posting stuff on social media to look like they are living a life they are not. The situation that Lacie got into can be compared to the reviews of a business. Good reviews on business can help increase customers or sales. Although a business can have good reviews, that does not mean that a customer can not have a bad experience with the business. In Lacie case, she had a high interaction rating but some gave her a bad rating after she spilled coffee on him.

People on social media are also obsessed with numbers. People feel better if their post gets a lot of likes. Personally, I feel the same way. I post on social media for all of my followers and friends to see. The more people see it and like the happier I am.



Posted by Alexander Rao on

This episode of Black Mirror is one of my personal favorites. It is on a different level of disturbing. It is painful to watch Lacie struggle with maintaining a superficial version of herself to advertise to the world. The world she lives in essentially judges everyone by how others react to them. This is incredibly psychologically damaging, since one cannot control how other people will react to them, no matter how much they try. That being said, your life is not your own in a world like this one. That would be quite scary to me. The real world we live in already has all of the mechanisms that the mirror world has. All that is different is that the information is applied to EVERYTHING. The data and information on your social media account is not a reasonable set to draw large and personal conclusion from. When you have a real interaction and relationship with someone, you gather data based on your perception but when you are looking at someone through the lens of social media, you are only seeing what the account holder wants you to see. This shield allows people to be their fake self with relative ease. The real self is hidden. This is the case in real life as well, but it is not as easy. People psychologically cannot betray their own nature for long, and being face to face makes it much harder. Most of our communication is non-verbal, and it is this communication that is the most truthful and telling of a person. This information is not available via a social media profile, and the information that can be easily manipulated. In a world like this mirror world, one cannot be themselves, but rather you are forced to be represented by what others think.

Week #7 Response/Week #7 Response

Week #7 response

Posted by Tanvir Youhana on

While watching nosedive, I was very shocked by how people were treated. I was horrified by how the people are living in the so-called future. I was also a little scared because some of the behavior described in the show I have seen in the real world. For example, popularity was based on the social media accounts and if you fall out of social media people stop liking you and hanging out with you. People also kiss up to other people to make themselves look more popular. Basically, leeching off popular people. Every time that I attend a major event, I tend to broadcast it on my social media platforms. I am not the type to, however, post on social media every single day of what I am doing. Emotionally, I was disgusted by how people in that society lives. They all based there lives around social media and only show people what they want to see and can’t express themselves. They practice in the mirror their fake laughs and always putting on a fake smile when seeing anyone in the street. I also felt bad for the lady because she was just trying to get a house and the only way is to be famous and she wasn’t famous enough for the house. She was just trying to be happy and ended up ruining her life because of a rating that she got from random people that don’t even know her.

-Tanvir Youhana

Week #7 Response/Week #7 Response

Week #7 Response

Posted by Ming Hin Cheung on

It was an overall a good episode reflecting on Human nature. Everyone judges others based on their ratings in the world of Nosedive. The main character wants to raise her ratings by attending her friend’s wedding, because many high rank guests is coming to the wedding, if Lacie can wow them with a moving speech, her rating is guaranteed to shoot through the roof. However, at the trip of attending the wedding, she gets in to lots of troubles unfortunately, and her rating drops to 2.8. And her friend doesn’t want her to come anymore because of her rating, and the MC goes to jail eventually.

It’s very similar to our society, they judge people by their rating system, we judge people by looking a person’s look, grades, achievements and income. I personally don’t use social media a lot, I use it mainly for communicating with my friends and family. Most of the people nowadays use social media just want to get more Followers and likes to satisfy their vanities, so they tend to upload their good sides, but not their bad sides. So, Social Society can’t really reflect one’s value.

Reflection #1/Reflection #1

Geetangalie’s Self Reflection #1

Posted by Geetangalie Goberdan on


For my lab report, I wrote about the effects of potassium chloride (KCl) on the swimming speed of Paramecium. In this report, I could improve on my making my report more inclusive for readers. For this report, I had a specific audience, those who have has basic knowledge of biology on the college level. In my report, I spoke of certain lab techniques that might not be common knowledge for students with non-science majors. Taking time in the report to give more details on execution might have benefited my report.

In creating this composition, the most difficult section was the justification. A justification is found at the beginning of a scientific lab report where you state what led to you choosing the experiment you did and what made you come to the assumption you have made in your hypothesis. If I were to do something differently it would be finding out more research on the chemical I used. This would, in turn, help me to construct a stronger justification, because I would have a secure reason behind my hypothesis.

In my opinion, I did best on creating efficient data analysis tables with appropriate labels. I did well not only at computing the numbers correctly but with writing captions and titles also. I used precise significant figures and broke the data into sections that would be easily interpreted. I made sure to not only use tables but graphs to present the data in different forms to show their significance.

I believe, that based on the work I have submitted, I deserve a grade of an A. My lab report was sufficient in detail while keeping it to the point. In scientific lab reports, it is important to give the important details without sentence padding, and I believe I have done so efficiently. I have presented all the information needed to replicate such an experiment while keeping to the true scientific method form.  In my opinion, I would lose points for not having other visual aids. Although I did have tables and figures, and it is not necessary to have other images, the addition of myself actually doing the experiment and the tools I used would make it easier for outsiders to replicate the experiment and not get confused.


Week #6 Response/Week #6 Response

Geetangalie’s Week #6 Response

Posted by Geetangalie Goberdan on

In Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, “The Offspring,” we learn of a new artificial intelligence aboard the Starfleet enterprise. During his off time, Data creates an Android based on his own structure. He names this creation Lal and claims it as his own child. At the beginning of the episode, the AI is gender neutral and lacks basic skills. Data taking on the role as father allows Lal to choose its gender and we get to see it choose female from the thousands of choices. At this point, Data and Lal are ready to begin Lal’s training in social skills at the most elementary level. Lal has many difficulties with simple tasks and tends to be socially awkward, this does not discourage her from continuing to better herself.

The problem first raised was when Captain Picard initially finds out about Data creating Lal in secrecy and furthermore the fact that he has named her his child. Captain Picard believed it was completely wrong, as he sees Lal as an invention, not a child. The captain later drops this mentality as Deanna Troi presents the question of “Why should biology rather than technology determine whether it is a child?”

Upon finding out of Lal, the head of Starfleet decides it is right for them to obtain ownership of the creation in which they can also observe and experiment with her. Data was totally opposed to this as Lal is his daughter and believes he should be the one raising her. In the end, while the intense debate was occurring over who should keep Lal, they get a call about Lal’s health. Lal turns out to be unsalvageable and she must be turned off.

Ethics in the medical field is a broad topic as doctors are faced to make ethical decisions every day. One common example is when dealing with patients who cannot afford medical assistance, whether it be their medications or scans. Technology plays a huge role in medicine as it is used to do what the human cannot, in the case of efficiency or ability among others.

Posts/Week #7 Response

Hakeem Leonce week 7 response

Posted by Hakeem Leonce on

When I first seen this episode it made me give a second thought of what social media has evolved to over time. How it became not only so powerful but also a ruler of many. Seeing how much people’s’ thoughts and behaviors can be influenced based on the electrical documentation of what may be but also what may not be. I thought of places such as LA, NYC, MIA and ATL and how lives promoted through social media can make so many people think that it a reality that they should try to obtain. Somehow a picture or a minute long video with a high count of likes and comment gained equivalence to something like a impactful individual in real life.

In my personal experiences, I consciously avoid giving social media power to determine an individual’s perceived personhood, especially if I have not meet and had a chance to know who that person is for myself. I really use it for memes, funny videos, and sometimes for motivational purposes. So I do not post much often when it comes to things that i do, accomplish or even going through. So for me what people see or like of me in regards to the things I post doesn’t really touch a spot for me.

My response to the narrative of the movie is while understanding it current relevance, I feel like it is very accurate. Yes, the general motive behind searching for likes are for momentary pleasure, it has become to large that social media itself can move you up economical classes.

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