Reem Malek

Reflection #2/Reflection #2

Self Reflection #2

Posted by Reem Malek on

Self Reflection #2

      In my technical description, I discussed the details of cupids bow and arrow. I enjoyed this assignment for the fact  that I got to choose an object that always interested me and got to come up with all of the features and attributes to it. I felt passionate as I was writing about cupid’s bow. I felt like I had really good ethos as well as pathos in writing my technical description.

      I feel as though I picked a cliche object that somehow had a really deep meaning and process behind how it works. I spent a decent amount of time trying to make sure I covered every aspect of cupid’s bow as well as his arrow and and described all of the technicalities behind it. I put in a lot of time and effort into this assignment. Personally i believe i had a left a deeper meaning behind the object alongside the technical termination of every detail on the object.

      I trust, that determined by the work I have submitted, I earned a grade of an A+. Regardless of the cliched object I renewed the item through the technical description I gave about it. I thoroughly described every single detail on the bow and arrow and somehow managed to explain it physically along with the deeper meaning behind it.

Reflection #1/Reflection #1

Self Reflection #1

Posted by Reem Malek on

Reem Malek

                                                                                               Self- Reflection

        In my lab report, I discussed the impacts of potassium chloride (KCl) on the swimming pace of Paramecium. In this report, I could enhance the criteria of my report by making it more comprehensible for readers who are not familiar or  majoring in Biology. For this report, I had a particular group of people, the individuals who have some fundamental experience of science on the school level. In my report, I talked about certain lab methods that probably won’t be basic learning for understudies with non-science majors. If I had included more details and simpler instructions in my report it might have made it more or less beneficial. 

        While writing this lab report i felt like the most difficult thing i came across was the numbers involved. Due to the fact that i hate math and this was a biology based experiment i got super confused with the data charts and t-calculated values. If i could have done something different now, i would have did more research and asked more questions and practiced more of the math part so i can have a stronger ethos and confidence level.

        Personally, I had a great hypothesis as well as a null hypothesis, as well as my introduction. I have a good experimental design chart that I am proud of. I used accurate variables in my experimental design to portray its significance.

        I trust, that determined by the work I have submitted, I earned a grade of an A. My lab report was adequate in detail while holding it to the point. In typical lab reports, it is essential to give the important details without sentence cushioning, and I trust I have done as such effectively. I have introduced all the data expected to repeat such a test while keeping to the genuine logical technique structure. As I would see it, I would drop some points for not having other visual guides. In spite of the fact that I had tables and figures, and it isn’t important to have different pictures, the expansion of myself really doing the trial and the instruments I utilized would make it simpler for others to duplicate the experiment and not get disorganized.

Week #12 Response/Week #12 Response

Reems Week #12 Response

Posted by Reem Malek on

Group Members: Geetangalie Goberdan, Mohamed Layachi, Kayla Ye, Reem Malek

PRODUCT: earphones

NAME OF PRODUCT: CLOUDS DESCRIPTION/ PURPOSE: We’ve all heard of AirPods, Apple’s version of wireless earphones released back in 2016. Since then, people of all ages use them from middle schoolers to people in retirement homes, in hopes of looking for some peace. One must admit, the Airpods were a great idea and the society believed so too, seeing that since then more and more companies released earphones that are similar in design. However, if you have ever actually used Airpods or have known someone who does, you’ve probably heard of people often losing them. The wireless design makes it that these earphones are often easily lost when dropped.

Week #10 Response/Week #10 Response

Reem’s Weekly Response #10

Posted by Reem Malek on



Technology takes a big part in my life which I accept that is valid for all individuals born in our generation. Beside being fixated on our socials and giving views to the Youtube community throughout the day, technology is an essential piece of my college experience. With regards to learning in a classroom, I have evolved from the paper and pen and exclusively utilize my laptop. With regards to finding different educational articles for a paper I never find the need to go to a library and physically pick a book however rather use something like the CUNY database. This has turned out to be so valuable for me as I feel technology causes you to have an all the more clear understanding while studying. I don’t need to stress over not being able to read what i wrote or flipping through several pages searching for one single word. The meme I made is subtitled “When the WiFi quits working trying to transferring to writing board.” I made this image to likewise demonstrate the defectiveness there is with technology, talking contrary to what I have said. In spite of the fact that technology may appear to be immaculate and clearly can do considerably more than the human capacity, there are times when it can dismantle as well.

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