Reem’s Weekly Response #10



Technology takes a big part in my life which I accept that is valid for all individuals born in our generation. Beside being fixated on our socials and giving views to the Youtube community throughout the day, technology is an essential piece of my college experience. With regards to learning in a classroom, I have evolved from the paper and pen and exclusively utilize my laptop. With regards to finding different educational articles for a paper I never find the need to go to a library and physically pick a book however rather use something like the CUNY database. This has turned out to be so valuable for me as I feel technology causes you to have an all the more clear understanding while studying. I don’t need to stress over not being able to read what i wrote or flipping through several pages searching for one single word. The meme I made is subtitled “When the WiFi quits working trying to transferring to writing board.” I made this image to likewise demonstrate the defectiveness there is with technology, talking contrary to what I have said. In spite of the fact that technology may appear to be immaculate and clearly can do considerably more than the human capacity, there are times when it can dismantle as well.

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