Kayla Ye

Week #8 Response/Week #8 Response

Kayla’s Week 8 Response

Posted by Kayla Ye on

These two episodes of Black Mirror really shows us how society may become one day. A society where we can relive our lives in a different way like in San Junipero and one where we have devices that record everything we do. I think that if a place like San Junipero were to really exist, humans would lose most of their drive to live. Why would you spend so much time and work on a life that could be relived in a better world? While it may be a chance for people who had their lives taken from them, like Yorkie who was disabled for a majority of her life, San Junipero was a place where she lived to be the person she couldn’t be in real life. For someone like me, if I had a chance at life again, I wouldn’t take it, in all honesty. Haven’t I suffered enough in this one life time with dealing with people I don’t want to ever see again but in this second life time, I’m stuck with them forever. Theres also no guarantee that in relaity, this San Junipero would be like “heaven”, meaning whose to say that everyone there is actually a “normal” person.

While in the episode, a somewhat similar idea but in a different fashion, the Grain. The ability for a small piece of technology to be implanted in ones brain and record their lives until the end of time seems to create more problems than it benefits. On one hand, you can see the breakdown of relationships because the idea of trust is brought into play, but with evidence now. When Fi cheated on Liam, there was proof of that. It also breaks the relationship between friends because of the same issue, trust. In my opinion, technology like this has yet to be needed to this extent. Maybe there are some benefits like how the Grain and warn one against driving while intoxicated, as seen in the episode, but are there really times in life that one has to re-watch the events they experienced before? To me, the answer is no and in relaity kind of scary as well.

Week #7 Response/Week #7 Response

Kayla’s Week 7 Response

Posted by Kayla Ye on

I think that this episode of Black Mirror Nosedive is more relevant than it ever has been and only will continue to prevail as time goes on. This is because in this episode, it depicts what society might relaly become someday. As I called it, it’s a Yelp but for people but in this case, people are trying hard to fake their impressions. Trying ever so hard to get that five-star rating by partaking in useless events and impressing strangers. This isn’t my first time watching this episode yet somehow each time, I’m more and more surprised at how relatable its has become as time progresses. It instills a sense of fear to be honest, that one day we all have to fake to be nice and pretend to be happy and caring for people we don’t even know when even in days like today, I tend to ignore my best friends for hours so I can do homework. In the episode I could see some parallels already forming, an example being when Lacie orders a drink from the café just to take a nice picture even though it tastes, judging from her expression disgusting. My mother for example does the same, she always tells me to take her fancy places to eat so she can take nice pictures and post them on her social media and her friends can compliment her. My friends mothers do the same and we always talk about how our parents are putting on such a fake type of lifestyle for others to see.

Week #6 Response/Week #6 Response

Kayla’s Week 6 Response

Posted by Kayla Ye on

In the field of Chemical Engineering, there are many instances in which the use of technology is very dependent. If it were possible, to perfect the creation of androids, the better. In ChE, there is constant contact with elements of all kinds, those that are safe and those that aren’t. There are many instances where experiments cannot be carried out or discoveries cannot be made simply because the materials that are needed are too dangerous, high radioactivity, for example. This issue holds the scientific world back so much because as humans, there is a danger of losing ones’ life. However, if the science androids were able to be perfected, that would mean many opened doors. Like the robot who can perform surgery released a few years prior that had began the revolution of surgeries, androids would do so too in chemical engineering. On the other hand, to what extent can there be a guarantee that androids would be accepting of the dangers of this profession. As said in Star Trek: The Next Generation, android Data said his purpose was to “contribute in a positive way to the world in which we live in”, but until when will these androids become self-aware, that they are being treated differently. In a previous response, the question of the rights of androids in society; are they equivalent to a human, do the rights that humans posses they posses too? But whatever the decision is, what role does ethics play. There is no definite answer that these doors that opened up are the road to a more advanced society worthy of its risks because if it were, the rules of ethics would’ve been breached by a engineer already.

Reflection #1/Reflection #1

Kayla’s Lab Report Reflection

Posted by Kayla Ye on

If I were able to have the option to do this writing assignment again, I would probably choose a different topic or experiment. I say this because I feel like my experiment in particular had steps that were repetitive therefore when written out, it seems to repeat itself as well. I would probably choose a topic that had more variety in the procedure so that the lab report itself wouldn’t be repetitive and somewhat confusing.

For me, the hardest part overall was keeping the overall formality of the lab report understandable. By that I mean I struggled to know when and when not to explain something in depth. I understood that the audience of the lab report would not have a in-depth understanding of Chemistry, my topic of choice, but I wasnt sure at what point I needed to be more specific about how to do something. For example, one of the steps in my procedure is to determine the Molarity of one of the reactants, but I wasn’t sure if I needed to include the formula to do so in this case because it’s also something that one can look up on the internet if needed. In my opinion, I think I did well in the introduction. I believe that I explained the purpose of this experiment and I explained why I did certain things. I explained the purpose of extra reactants, such as the sulfuric acid and boiling chips, and the purpose of using a hot water bath. The explanation of the reason the experiment had to be tried multiple times, all with varying amounts of each reactant, to find the limiting reagent, was one that I’m proud of. It puts it in simple terms of explaining why its important to understand why certain parts of the experiments are conducted



Week #5 Response/Week #5 Response

Kayla’s Week 5 Response

Posted by Kayla Ye on

The aim of achieving the perfect way to create artificial intelligence, an AI, is one that many people wish to achieve and one that society is anticipating. The movie Ex Machina (2015) explores the development of a somewhat “perfect” AI Ava, who draws parallels to a robot that exists today, Sophia. In the movie, Ava’s creator Nathan mentioned something that society now days all believe to be true. That is, we are all being watched through our screens and everything we do can be tracked. No one is safe from the devices we all have become depend on. One thing this movie brought to light was the idea that we all expect AI’s to be the perfect human. In the movie, Caleb is questioned by Ava as to what would happen to her if she were to fail the test in which he responds that she might be switched off. Ava then asks Caleb if he, as a human, has someone to test him and if he fails, he will be switched off. With some who fear that one day, technology would be the end of humanity, why is there a strive for the creation of something too perfect for society to handle? Its clear that the human species will cease to exist because there will always be something a robot cannot do, so whats the purpose of creating something that is better than us in every way. Towards the end of the movie, Caleb starts to question if he himself is an AI because it seems that everyone aside from Nathan is an AI. It brings up the question of whether or not there exists and AI in society today. Maybe there is a Kyoto in society but theyre made so perfectly that we don’t even realize it.

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