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Week #8 Response/Week #8 Response

Sambeg’s Week#8 Response

Posted by S Raj on

Weekly Response#8

Black Mirror Season 3 Episode 6: San Junipero and Black Mirror Season1:Episode3: The Entire History of You was related to the relationship between humans and technology. It focusses primarily on how technology has become the central part of the human- life and what potential harmful impact can it cause due to the over-use of those high-tech products. I believe that through those technologies we have access to all world’s information and people’s profile at any time which sounds like an amazing accomplishment but in reality, the world is growing further apart because though peoples are connected together by the social media, there is no bond between them. In my personal experience, I used to have many close friends in my home country with whom I used to spend most of the time hanging together, exploring new places, sharing our difficulties and helping each other in every situation. But once I shifted to the US for higher education, I felt like though we are connected through social media and video communication app, the friendship we used to have before is gradually degrading. This shows how the relationship changes when we are connected online instead of in-person. In the Black Mirror episode “San Junipero” and “The Entire History of You”, a small device attached to head stored all the past memories and we could rewind and analyze every past event. In such an environment, it is very difficult to live a real life because even a single mistake can ruin a whole life. People are faking their natural behavior and are paying attention to every detail. This technology had negatively impacted everyone’s life and Liam was one of them. At the end, he realized that he was happier when he had not used such technology and was living his present, so he finally decides to remove the chip from his head.

Reflection #2/Reflection #2

Reflection 2

Posted by Gabriel Almonte on

For assignment #2 we were assigned to write a technical description about an imaginary object. I decided to write it on ironman’s helmet. I went into deep detail on many parts of the helmet. I described all the features of the helmet. I explained why certain protective parts were in place, I also explained the purpose of certain lights on the helmet. While explaining all these parts and their functions I also explained how many of these functions would be useful to ironman while he would be using the suit.  I believe I grasped all aspects of the assignment that were trying to be addressed with this assignment. 

Posts/Digital Receipt #7

Sambeg’s Week#7 Response

Posted by S Raj on

Weekly Response#7

The Black Mirror episode “Nosedive” was about the society where people rate each other for every interaction. Lacie was the center character of this episode,who was very conscious about her rating and wanted to prove herself on the top. She was not living her natural life. She was faking on everything for example, on having a conversation, eating food, walking on the street, dressing style and so on. Throughout the episode, she ran before rating but at the end, she realized that it is not the rating that matters in life. This episode resembles today’s society in certain ways because in our real society too people are being rated based on their profession and behavior. Every person has their unique thoughts and way of living. Some people might be highly successful while some might be still struggling and trying hard to be successful. The quality of life for poor people might be different because of their financial condition but the basic things that are in common with them are happiness and satisfaction. But nowadays, the definition of happiness and satisfaction has changed in our society. They focus on physical happiness rather than mental happiness. It is important to realize that physical happiness is temporary while mental happiness is permanent. People try to imitate the lifestyle of rich people and are living a fake life. For example, we can see that most of the people nowadays are using social media such as Facebook and Instagram as a platform to show off. They are more aware of how other people will judge them. And the sad part is that people are judging just by looking the post on Instagram or Facebook. People should be judged based on their behavior and nature not based on their physical appearance or lifestyle. I also believe that rating should be done for the object and devices but not for the people.

Reflection #1/Reflection #1

Hakee Leonce Project 1 Reflecton

Posted by Hakeem Leonce on

After looking back through my project proposal, my reflection on how it came out is that I am extremely satisfied with the end result. Speaking in regards to its creativity and individuality and it was able to take principles and concepts from both technical labs and project proposal and morphed into a report that reaches a wide spectrum of audience while maintaining its technical and formal integrity. It is formal but in a very simplistic form and this was accomplished by my time put in studying formal proposal and reports to understand their purpose. Once that was in my head it took critical thinking mixed with creativity to create a proposal that shares characteristics of a technical report.

Now, with the formatting, while it was hard to derive a setup to accomplish both proposal and report, I believe that my report is very clear in differentiating between subcategories and why it holds a place in the overall published report. With all this said, this technical report looks like an A+ due to the finished product and the unspoken time and effort put in to making it presentable and if I may add pretty informative to the reader.


I believe it deserves an A


Reflection #2/Reflection #2

Project 2 Reflection

Posted by Hakeem Leonce on

Project #2 Reflection


  • Detailed process information
  • Professional jargon
  • Basic enough for general public to understand
  • Specific step by step to get you from liquid cement to solid properly made concrete
  • Went a step further to show the two specific procedures of making the same product
  • Showed reader the benefits that comes with knowing how the two type of processes can better you knowledge for making the choice of which one you should choose for your construction projects
  • Mention all steps needed in a professional manner that is shared amongst most to all construction companies



  • Lack of resource
  • Visual representation was hard to get with professional representation of the steps
  • Maybe for the readers how would have liked a more in depth explanation of the process, I could have done more


Grade deserved: A


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