
401 Articles

Reflection #2/Reflection #2

Self Reflection #2

Posted by Reem Malek on

Self Reflection #2

      In my technical description, I discussed the details of cupids bow and arrow. I enjoyed this assignment for the fact  that I got to choose an object that always interested me and got to come up with all of the features and attributes to it. I felt passionate as I was writing about cupid’s bow. I felt like I had really good ethos as well as pathos in writing my technical description.

      I feel as though I picked a cliche object that somehow had a really deep meaning and process behind how it works. I spent a decent amount of time trying to make sure I covered every aspect of cupid’s bow as well as his arrow and and described all of the technicalities behind it. I put in a lot of time and effort into this assignment. Personally i believe i had a left a deeper meaning behind the object alongside the technical termination of every detail on the object.

      I trust, that determined by the work I have submitted, I earned a grade of an A+. Regardless of the cliched object I renewed the item through the technical description I gave about it. I thoroughly described every single detail on the bow and arrow and somehow managed to explain it physically along with the deeper meaning behind it.

Reflection #1/Reflection #1

Self Reflection #1

Posted by Reem Malek on

Reem Malek

                                                                                               Self- Reflection

        In my lab report, I discussed the impacts of potassium chloride (KCl) on the swimming pace of Paramecium. In this report, I could enhance the criteria of my report by making it more comprehensible for readers who are not familiar or  majoring in Biology. For this report, I had a particular group of people, the individuals who have some fundamental experience of science on the school level. In my report, I talked about certain lab methods that probably won’t be basic learning for understudies with non-science majors. If I had included more details and simpler instructions in my report it might have made it more or less beneficial. 

        While writing this lab report i felt like the most difficult thing i came across was the numbers involved. Due to the fact that i hate math and this was a biology based experiment i got super confused with the data charts and t-calculated values. If i could have done something different now, i would have did more research and asked more questions and practiced more of the math part so i can have a stronger ethos and confidence level.

        Personally, I had a great hypothesis as well as a null hypothesis, as well as my introduction. I have a good experimental design chart that I am proud of. I used accurate variables in my experimental design to portray its significance.

        I trust, that determined by the work I have submitted, I earned a grade of an A. My lab report was adequate in detail while holding it to the point. In typical lab reports, it is essential to give the important details without sentence cushioning, and I trust I have done as such effectively. I have introduced all the data expected to repeat such a test while keeping to the genuine logical technique structure. As I would see it, I would drop some points for not having other visual guides. In spite of the fact that I had tables and figures, and it isn’t important to have different pictures, the expansion of myself really doing the trial and the instruments I utilized would make it simpler for others to duplicate the experiment and not get disorganized.

Digital Receipt #10/Digital Receipt #10

Digital Receipt 10

Posted by mohamed layachi on

I can’t complain and I am so grateful for my mental health but I wonder sometimes whether the hours wasted on youtube do actually take a toll on my general happiness. Would I feel better if i was doing something else with my time like reading a book? I guess the only way I can find out is if i actually pick one up and read it I feel like it’s been so long since I enjoyed a book and maybe that’s the root of my problem. I’m always reading textbooks and what not for school so they desensitize me from wanting to read but I’m going to pick it back up this summer and see where it takes me.

Week #10 Response/Week #10 Response

Week 10

Posted by mohamed layachi on

I feel like I have a somewhat unhealthy relationship to technology because I tend to use it to waste my time when I am browsing leisurely through instagram or youtube. Technology can be used for so much good and I do have moments in the day where I just think to myself, why are you wasting your time when you could be doing something way more productive. I feel like Instagram is a big waste of a lot of my time whereas I see youtube as being more informational and productive if I am going to procrastinate atleast im watching videos on topics that interest me and that I’d like to learn more about. I spend hours at a time watching car videos on the latest and greatest in new technological advancements for electric cars specifically because huge strides are being made in the field. I honestly think that AI is the next big thing for tech, but not in the way horror films depict it! I think that AI is going to be a great way for us to become more productive, its going to become like our own personal assistant and its already begun. Alexa could you please send Jessie an email apologizing for submitting my assignment late and tell her that I will send it as soon as I get home since I am driving. Is it morally unethical to have AI send that email? Is it not from the heart if its sent from a machine? Well i did tell it what exactly to say, and I was in a situation where personally writing the message could have caused me more harm than benefit. The future of AI is exciting just don’t bring up the privacy issues because I’m not ready to talk about that.

Week #8 Response/Week #8 Response

Week 8

Posted by mohamed layachi on

I found San Junipero to be so interesting especially because it seems to be set in the 80s and I LOVE 80s movies. The music was well curated and even though I didnt live in the 80s it still felt nostalgic to me. The premise of San Junipero is that the dead can live in a simulated reality where they are their younger selves. It was a very interesting concept and reminds me so much of the matrix in a way. Its also so interesting to see that Yorkie is experiencing all these emotions and feelings while in this reality which makes me wonder how this is any different from true reality. The Entire History of You was more exciting for me because it felt way more closer to reality and what is possible. Contact lenses that record your entire life is absurdly scary especially because they dont allow you to be in the moment and enjoy yourself. You go back and relive terrible experiences or moments that worry you because you’re trying to figure out what went wrong just like Liam was doing in the beginning when his work appraisal went poorly. The story escalates tremendously through the course of the episode and it feels like the essence of life which is all about living in the moment and NOT allowing the past to haunt you is gone. Although the Grain helps Liam find out his wife cheated on him it brings more issues up than solutions. This made me think about my life and whether I would want to have a Grain and I definitely would not. I prefer to live my life knowing what I am supposed to know and if i had the grain my curiosity would ruin me.

Reflection #1/Reflection #1

Reflection 1

Posted by mohamed layachi on

This was my first time working with creating a tutorial and I definitely have learned a lot about what constitutes a proper lab report. The tutorial is similar in every way to what a proper lab report entails. I had to be as detailed as possible when walking the reader through the simulation just as a writer would walk one through a lab experiment. The assumption is that the viewer has little to no background on the topic and your goal is to properly walk them through the process with detailed explanations. The tutorial is the same. It is broken down into many categories and subcategories so that the process is clearly illustrated. I was used to writing lab reports and the arduous process of long paragraphs detailing the process was quite tedious and annoying. This tutorial was more enjoyable than writing a normal lab report because it was heavily visual and even though there was tons of details I had to include I enjoyed the process. I put roughly 20 hours in total over the course of a week. I would give myself an A for this report because of the thoroughness and presentation. It details all of the processes and leaves little to no confusion which could arise because I try to explain all the tasks and directions clearly

Week #1 Response/Week #1 Response

Weekly Response # 1

Posted by mohamed layachi on

The authors of Understanding Rhetoric walk us through the history of the word and its deeper meanings. What is rhetoric exactly? Rhetoric comes from the greek word Eiro which means to say. But it is far more than just speaking. It is a culmination of logic, memories, and feelings. It is as they say “ a way of THINKING about how we talk that takes into consideration the entire situation in which that talk takes place”. They walk us through the understanding of rhetoric through two lenses one which posits it as a negative state of thinking who Plato so famously believed that teaching rhetoric was to instruct a student in ways of deception rather than betterment of their state of conversation. Luckily Aristotle came along and flipped the script. Aristotle believed that rhetoric was a vital tool in putting across a broad range of ideas. I agree with Aristotle and believe that rhetoric is a integral tool of thinking and speaking so as to persuade and enlighten an audience to your thoughts and claims. Rhetoric is split into three categories. Ethos, logos, and pathos which respectively represent ethics, logic, and empathy. These three concepts need to be considered to be an effective communicator because they target the most sensitive parts of our psyche when listening to a claim somebody is making. I like to think of rhetoric as a structurally sound plan. You must target all important aspects of the idea from different perspectives so that you cover all grounds for which somebody may try to challenge your claim. If an idea of yours is of value and you strive to convince somebody of it then you should make sure it comes across logically sound while also ethically intact. The last aspect of your claim that needs to be clear but a bit more difficult to quantify is the empathetic chord it strikes within the person receiving this claim. If you cover all three concepts then you can rest easy knowing that you presented a complete argument.


Reflection #2/Reflection #2

Reflection 2

Posted by mohamed layachi on

I enjoyed working on this project because it allowed me to tap more into my creativity with the medium of how I would deliver my information. Researching about the lightsaber was initially surprising because there was so lots of in-depth detail online about the anatomy of it. I was shocked to find detailed schematic drawings of how it works and it really bridged the gap between reality and science fiction. If I were to do something differently in the future I would try to actually design the saber in a design drafting software such as SolidWorks. This would allow for a much more fluid presentation of the lightsabers form and function. It would be 3 Dimensional and you could dive into every component of the lightsaber. In the end I feel that my delivery met the requirements of what a proper explanation of the object is. I not only explained the function of each part but I tried to give as much vital information of how they worked together without boring the viewer. I feel like I struggled with the balance between what is considered to be important information and what I had to leave out because it gave too much technical information that would disinterest a normal viewer who doesn’t necessarily want to know how and why an energy field permeates through a source to deliver power. Somethings were unnecessary but I still left them in because I thought they helped the cohesiveness of the report. If I were to give myself a grade I would give myself an A because I truly embraced the creative process and I did a thorough research of the lightsaber. I visited so many fan sites to find the best descriptions of each part and for parts that I couldn’t find explanations of I did research on the scientific names of the parts to determine what purpose they served from their names.

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