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Posts/Week #10 Response

Weekly Response 10

Posted by Roman Cook on

My relationship with technology is a mixed bag. Sometimes I find it fascinating, allowing me to navigate the world with ease. Most of the time I feel behind and frustrated as technology more so then ever moves at a rapid pace. Every day it seems more difficult to stay up on the trends of technology today. I think the older you get the less you can digest. Sometimes I can even feel intimidated. Like most people though I struggle up front and once I gain confidence I excel. I love my iPhone and the convenience it offers but get irate with constant updates and often feel my phone runs more clunky after I accept them. My real challenge is desk tops. When I was younger, and computers were becoming a house hold item I ate them up. I soaked up all the information I could and believe I was far ahead of the average person in this regard. Although youth do hold an advantage in their technological retention, I feel over the years I have strayed from the well, like most. Whenever I am in a computer heavy class, I feel panicked and unsure of myself. The GIF I have created shows the frustration I find myself dealing with when faced with technology these days.

Week #10 Response/Week #10 Response

QianXing’s Weekly Response #10

Posted by QianXing Ou on

After watching this movie, it makes me feel very uncomfortable. The main character in the story is dating with an IOS.  I don’t really have an experience about that online, so I don’t really understand how it feels of loving someone online. In addition, it is not loving a real person, the main character fall in love with an IOS, it is a machine. Not a human being. Even though I don’t have experience involved with technology, my friends do. He has a girlfriend who is currently in China, and he lives in the U.S. Therefore, the only way they can see and communicate with each other is by using face time or social media.  I ask him about how he feels about this kind of relationship. He told me that it is really hard to keep in touch since they are in two different countries. The time zone is different, everything is different. If they don’t truly love each other, there is no way they are able to continue their relationship.



I think the above MEME represents my opinion to technology because I thought technology is supposed to make our life easier. However, based on what I have watched, it is hurting people. The technology is advanced to a point where it can do everything that a human can do, such as talking with another human, having emotions.  It can also do something that humans cannot do, such as reading a 10000 words document in a second. This is crazy. I can’t imagine that one day technology will able to do those things. It frightens me because we are supposed to control technology, but if they become super smart, can we still control them? In the movie “Her”, the IOS doesn’t seem to be controlled by the main character. Therefore, I just feel like if technology is so advanced just like what happens in the movie, it will be insane!

Week #10 Response/Week #10 Response

Kayla’s Week 10 Response

Posted by Kayla Ye on
decision meme that says "text friend from the comfort of my own bed" or :go out and meet her face to face"

What technology means to me

I think this meme accurately represents my relationship between technology and myself. This is because in my opinion, technology attempts to make everything easier for people therefore inadvertently making everyone lazy by nature. There are times where me and my friend both arent doing anything and we could go out and enjoy the weather and talk to each other face to face but instead we sit at home, in our beds and just text each other. Technology makes everything easier, in this case communicating with my friends, but lowers the frequency of meeting people outside of the touchscreen.

Week #10 Response/Week #10 Response


Posted by Carlton Yuan on

Growing up in a world with technology, I can’t imagine living in a world without it. I use my phone every day to listen to music, use social media and the internet. I use my computer to do homework and watch movies. I also love playing video games and watching movies on my PlayStation. Although I love technology, I would not want it to consume my life. The movie Her is an example of how technology could consume a person’s life. Theodore fell in love with an AI named Samantha. I agree with Catherine that Theodore does not know how to deal with real human emotions. I remember learning in Anthropology class that Humans learn from each other and are very social creatures. Humans depend on other humans for survival. Although I love playing video games, I would much rather have human interactions than staying at home all day and playing video games by myself. Part of the reason why I love playing video games is that I get to play and talk with my friends. I rarely play videogames if my friends are not online. I believe that in the future there will be sports for robots. They already have some competitions with robots but they are not really advanced and it is not really popular. Imagine a team of robots playing basketball, soccer, football. One day there will be an NBA, NFL, and MLS for robots.



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