Growing up in a world with technology, I can’t imagine living in a world without it. I use my phone every day to listen to music, use social media and the internet. I use my computer to do homework and watch movies. I also love playing video games and watching movies on my PlayStation. Although I love technology, I would not want it to consume my life. The movie Her is an example of how technology could consume a person’s life. Theodore fell in love with an AI named Samantha. I agree with Catherine that Theodore does not know how to deal with real human emotions. I remember learning in Anthropology class that Humans learn from each other and are very social creatures. Humans depend on other humans for survival. Although I love playing video games, I would much rather have human interactions than staying at home all day and playing video games by myself. Part of the reason why I love playing video games is that I get to play and talk with my friends. I rarely play videogames if my friends are not online. I believe that in the future there will be sports for robots. They already have some competitions with robots but they are not really advanced and it is not really popular. Imagine a team of robots playing basketball, soccer, football. One day there will be an NBA, NFL, and MLS for robots.



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