Tuesdays 5:00-6:15pm | North Academic Center Library 1/301Y [email protected] | (646) 801-1462
Carlton Yuan- Researcher
Roman Cook- Team Leader
Samir Kunwor- Organizer
Sambeg Raj Subedi- Power Point designer
Topic: Better public transportation payment process in NYC
Propose Idea
Collaborate possibilities
Pick best way to move ahead economically and feasibly
Create and propose idea with Power Point
Weekly Response #9
“Backpacks vs. Briefcases: Step towards Rhetorical Analysis” by Laura Bollin Carroll was about rhetoric analysis. In rhetoric, language and images are used to persuade the audience, and the ability to evaluate it is called rhetoric analysis. Understanding the rhetorical analysis is important to make informed decisions and conclusions. Carroll also mentioned that if we are unable to make rhetoric analysis then we are a mindless consumer and it’s easy to fool us. In her essay, she also mentioned how we continuously analyzed people and the environment around us. Based on our past experience and observation, we are quick in making a judgment. I had a similar experience regarding her viewpoint. This incident happened when I was going back to my country a few months ago. In an airplane, my seat was near to the window and I was waiting for the person next to my seat. After a few minutes, a 35-40 years old Arabic guy sat next to me. Just looking at his appearance, I thought he would be rude and aggressive. But soon after the plane departed, he asked where I was from and where was my final destination. I was a little confused about whether to answer him or not. I replied to his question and ask the same question for him. After having a short conversation with him I came to know that he was traveling back to Dubai to meet his sick mother. Then he started showing the picture of her mother and started crying. He continued telling the struggles she made to raise him and make an independent man. It was 12 hours flight and throughout the flight, we were having some sorts of conversation. Surprisingly, when the plane was just about to land, he handed me a book and requested me to accept it as a gift. Then I realized that we should not make a quick judgment just based on the appearance. Therefore, just based on the observation we should not make our rhetorical analysis.
Weekly Response#8
Black Mirror Season 3 Episode 6: San Junipero and Black Mirror Season1:Episode3: The Entire History of You was related to the relationship between humans and technology. It focusses primarily on how technology has become the central part of the human- life and what potential harmful impact can it cause due to the over-use of those high-tech products. I believe that through those technologies we have access to all world’s information and people’s profile at any time which sounds like an amazing accomplishment but in reality, the world is growing further apart because though peoples are connected together by the social media, there is no bond between them. In my personal experience, I used to have many close friends in my home country with whom I used to spend most of the time hanging together, exploring new places, sharing our difficulties and helping each other in every situation. But once I shifted to the US for higher education, I felt like though we are connected through social media and video communication app, the friendship we used to have before is gradually degrading. This shows how the relationship changes when we are connected online instead of in-person. In the Black Mirror episode “San Junipero” and “The Entire History of You”, a small device attached to head stored all the past memories and we could rewind and analyze every past event. In such an environment, it is very difficult to live a real life because even a single mistake can ruin a whole life. People are faking their natural behavior and are paying attention to every detail. This technology had negatively impacted everyone’s life and Liam was one of them. At the end, he realized that he was happier when he had not used such technology and was living his present, so he finally decides to remove the chip from his head.
Group Members: Geetangalie Goberdan, Mohamed Layachi, Kayla Ye, Reem Malek
PRODUCT: earphones
NAME OF PRODUCT: CLOUDS DESCRIPTION/ PURPOSE: We’ve all heard of AirPods, Apple’s version of wireless earphones released back in 2016. Since then, people of all ages use them from middle schoolers to people in retirement homes, in hopes of looking for some peace. One must admit, the Airpods were a great idea and the society believed so too, seeing that since then more and more companies released earphones that are similar in design. However, if you have ever actually used Airpods or have known someone who does, you’ve probably heard of people often losing them. The wireless design makes it that these earphones are often easily lost when dropped.
Technology takes a big part in my life which I accept that is valid for all individuals born in our generation. Beside being fixated on our socials and giving views to the Youtube community throughout the day, technology is an essential piece of my college experience. With regards to learning in a classroom, I have evolved from the paper and pen and exclusively utilize my laptop. With regards to finding different educational articles for a paper I never find the need to go to a library and physically pick a book however rather use something like the CUNY database. This has turned out to be so valuable for me as I feel technology causes you to have an all the more clear understanding while studying. I don’t need to stress over not being able to read what i wrote or flipping through several pages searching for one single word. The meme I made is subtitled “When the WiFi quits working trying to transferring to writing board.” I made this image to likewise demonstrate the defectiveness there is with technology, talking contrary to what I have said. In spite of the fact that technology may appear to be immaculate and clearly can do considerably more than the human capacity, there are times when it can dismantle as well.