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Digital Receipt #9/Digital Receipt #9

Digital Recp #9

Posted by Tanvir Youhana on

I have heard of rhetorical situation before in my freshman English class that I took last semester

Al of these terms are familiar to me, but I still don’t have a good grasp on exigence. This was explained to me during the first semester, but I didn’t quite get it.

All these aspects of the rhetorical context I have used in more than one piece of writing and that can be viewed on my website which has all my writing from last semester.

There are different ways to showcase these rhetorical contexts. For example, in the form of a ad, newspaper article.

I was able to relate to this article as I have gone through similar thought processes when writing.

I also was able to better organize my ideas with he rhetorical situation and made my writing for readable and fluent in transitions between ideas.

-Tanvir Youhana

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