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Digital Receipt#2
Digital Receipt #2
Pictures where used to show the potential new species that were found.
Pictures were also used to explain how the mountain came to be and what was the cause being so remote.
The main reason the author wrote this article was to show that a bunch of new speices have been found as well as to show how nature is like without the interference of humans. It is also encouraged that we start to protect these regions as they are only a few places where humans have not interfered and messed with the environment.
Forest have been hit really hard by human activities and these forest are a few that show what a real forest would look like without the invasive humans destroying them. This is the main point that is being seeing in this article as the scientist works to find these rare places and to see if they can find new animals, or see how through breeding how they have changed from other animals as they are isolated and can breed with animals in that small location.
This image supports what is being described here by the author. It shows how steep the mountain was and why people have not dared to even climb it and go to the top and see what is there. Images are a great way to coney a message that can only be fully undertstood with them. This is why it is important in my opinion to include a picture for the any descriptive writing that you do. This will get the reader more engaged and help the reader to understand some points made by you better. This also goes into credibility as to how you can gain more credibility if you have images to back up your claim as well as pictures of graphs that show correlations between what you said and what is being depicted in the graphs and charts.