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14 Articles


Commons Bug

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hey all-

You may have noticed that there’s not a category available on the site for our Week #3 responses. IDK what’s going on and I’ve been trying like crazy to fix this, but for now, just go ahead and make a new post for your responses and be sure to select Week #3 Responses from the Categories menu and post.

Please also add your Week #3 Response to your respective Google Drive folders (available here).

Again, I’m out of town with limited service, but please email if you need me!



Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on


Writing to check in about a few things:

1) Please submit your Reflection #2 assignments. Just as you submit your weekly responses, log into our course site, navigate to the Dashboard or + and Add New Post. Copy + paste yr Reflection #2 and select the Category “Reflection #2” before publishing. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY PUBLISHED THIS INTO THE WRONG CATEGORY, NAVIGATE TO POSTS –> EDIT YOUR POST AND SELECT THE CORRECT CATEGORY, THEN UPDATE. 

2) This week, we’ll spend the first chunk of class in your Project #3 groups to check in and make moves on next steps for developing this assignment. You will also be asked to sign up for a presentation time, so please either communicate your schedule needs to your groups if you’re unable to attend class, OR come ready to sign up.

3) We’ll split back into solo activity for the 2nd half of class, when we’ll walk through the steps to setting up your Portfolio on the Commons (where our course site lives), which is where you’re going to curate everything you want to show off for Project #4, and where you’ll post your Theory of Writing.

4) DUE DATES FOR PROJECTS #3 AND #4 are as follows:

Project #3: The day your group presents your project is also the due date for all materials for this project.


Meme of Shia LaBoeuf grinning with text across top that reads: "when the professor is passionate about teaching and you genuinely understand and enjoy the class"


Week #11 Update

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hi all-

If you have not signed up for a time to meet with me on Tuesday 4/16 DO THIS ASAP (link here).

Be sure to stay in touch with your Project #3 groups this week, as you’ll need to have topics, roles, and a workplan submitted before spring break! — well, the Monday of spring break, anyway.

If you have not been assigned to a group, let me know over email or in our in-person meeting on Tuesday.

I am still missing lots of Reflections for Project #1. Please upload these to the course site ASAP.

Please go ahead and post your Reflection #2 responses to the course site in the appropriate category. I’ll be providing y’all feedback on Project #2 over the break!

Kathryn Janeway and Seven of Nine from Star Trek: Voyager standing together. Janeway says, "having fun?"


Week #10 Update

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hello all!-

Writing with a couple of updates for you:

1. Please come to class on Tuesday 4/9 ready to dive into Project #4 with your groups! For those of you struggling to make it class regularly, we’ll take some time to talk one-on-one to come up with a plan for completing Project #4–we can do this over email if need be.

2. I’m looking into swapping a couple of upcoming class meetings for a series of one-on-one meetings with each of you to talk about your progress, your questions/concerns, and suggestions for the remainder of the term. I’ll finalize my decision about this today and keep you all posted on the Course Calendar and in class. You’ll be asked to sign up for a time to meet with me during our normal class meeting time. 

3. I am *almost done* giving feedback on your lab reports. You will find these docs in your individual Google Drive folders as a file named “DONE [your file title].” I’ve made comments, suggestions, and written a lil’ blurb at the bottom of each doc with suggestions for revising and general comments/suggestions for working in the genre and how your piece is working. If you do not see this doc yet, it’s because I am reading it this afternoon. Thank you all for your patience <3

4. If you have not yet submitted your Reflection #1 for Project #1: Lab Report, please do this ASAP ASAP ASAP. I need to hear from you about your process of creating the report, so post a short reflection, with an assigned grade, to the site in Category: Reflection #1 ASAP PLZ thank u

Misty from Pokémon happy with her Pokémon



Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Howdy all!-

Just a reminder that I am attending a conference this week and so we will not be meeting in person on Tuesday 3/26.

You do, however, have a bit more reading /viewing assigned than usual, so please be sure to stay on top of your weekly responses and digital receipts. I will be around via email, so plz feel free to reach out if stuff comes up:

Please submit your Project #2 to your Google Drive folder as a .DOC/.DOCX by Monday April 1, 11:59PM

We will work on drafting Reflection #2 in-class on April 2, so come ready to ~*reflect*~

I am, regrettably, behind on your Project #1 feedback. My friend and mentor–one of my amazing undergraduate teachers–passed away last weekend and I’ve been busy being sad and talking about her with my friends from college. She was the first college prof I had who really believed in my intellectual and creative work and she showed up for me whenever she could up until she was too sick to do so. I’ve been thinking a lot about how to honor her in my own teaching practice, so I’m here to say that y’all are so creative and smart and I’m so grateful that I get to learn from you! 

Thank you for all of your hard work and thoughtfulness. I’m so appreciative!

Chansey doing their best to read a book


Week #8

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hey all!-

Tonight we’ll start discussing our *big project* for the semester: Project #4: Portfolio!

I know, I know. We haven’t even talked abt Project #3 yet! Never fear, we will soon! Project #4 has the opportunity to become a bigger project for you to create a professional website to showcase your academic work, creativity, and rhetorical prowess, so I want to get into this EARLY.

Please bring a device that can easily access and navigate the CUNY Commons (where our course site lives), or you may borrow a laptop during class.

Important things:

If you have not done so, please post your Reflection for Project #1: Lab Report into Category: Reflection #1 on our course site ASAPI am working through your submissions this week and will (hopefully) complete this process before I leave for my conference early next week.

The course withdrawal period ends on 4/1. If you haven’t turned stuff in for my class and/or don’t plan to, please consider officially withdrawing with a grade of W, which does not negatively impact your GPA

Pusheen GIF with "thank you" in rainbow colors



Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hey all-

Apologies for the late instructions on submitting your lab reports. Winter is bad for my chronic pain and I’ve been in recovery mode in between meetings all week. Hoping you all are hanging in there better than me!

Meme of adult sloth and baby sloth hanging from tree branch with caption "hang in there buddy"

Now to business:


Please navigate to our shared Google Folders section (LINK HERE)

Select your individual folder from the list and open it

Choose the + New” button from the left-hand menu OR drag your final report directly into your folder


I will be sending you feedback through your uploaded docs.


RE: Alt Text

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hey all-

Some of you may have noticed that your images are not posting correctly to the course site.

You may be seeing an error message about “Alt Text.”

What the heck is this?

Alt Text is the the text that a screen reader will speak when it encounters an image on a website. Screen reader software is often used for folks with low vision and/or blindness, migraines, or other disabilities that make it difficult to read from a computer. It is very important that you get into the habit of including alt text in your uploads. Alt text may also be called “image description” with some software.

Sample alt text:

“Meme of several long-haired people holding their cell phones and smiling below large text that reads “sorry I’m super busy dissociating into my phone” by @femme4memes” 

Meme of several long-haired people holding their cell phones and smiling below large text that reads "sorry I'm super busy dissociating into my phone" by @femme4memes

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