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Week #12 Response/Week #12 Response

Weekly Response#12

Posted by S Raj on

Carlton Yuan- Researcher
Roman Cook-  Team Leader
Samir Kunwor- Organizer
Sambeg Raj Subedi- Power Point designer

Topic: Better public transportation payment process in NYC

Propose Idea

Collaborate possibilities

Pick best way to move ahead economically and feasibly

Create and propose idea with Power Point

Assignments/Reflection #2

Sambeg’s Reflection#2

Posted by S Raj on

Sambeg Raj Subedi



Initially, I was planning to technically describe the “Calculator” but on doing further research I could not find any interesting facts about its working mechanism. So, I choose the topic “Computer mouse” as an artifact for the second project. In this technical report, I have well explained the nature of the object, scope, working mechanism, detail information and conclusion as simplest as possible to make it understandable for all readers. I choose this topic as an artifact because this topic is quite technical and fascinating. We have used this device in our everyday lives, but we don’t know about its working mechanism. So, I think this topic would be interesting for all readers.

Writing about working mechanism is always a difficult part in any technical description essay because in order to describe the whole mechanism we must have to do lots of research about the topic unless we become familiar with it. First convincing ourselves about the mechanism process is more important because until and unless we are satisfied we cannot describe and explain the process clearly making it understandable for other readers.

Though all the necessary information’s is included in this report, there are still a few things where I can improve. I think I have not used many sources to explain the theoretical part.  I could have used more sources which would certainly help the reader to understand the material clearly.

The super good aspect of this technical description is that I have used several self-explanatory pictures showing its internal parts for both ball-type and optical mouse.

If I had to grade my paper, I would rate it 9.5/10. I think I deserve this because I had followed all the criteria required for any technical description essay and more importantly, I had done a lot of research about this subject so that I could provide detail information about the topic in a more easier and understandable way.

Week #9 Response/Week #9 Response

Sambeg’s week#9 Response

Posted by S Raj on

Weekly Response #9

“Backpacks vs. Briefcases: Step towards Rhetorical Analysis” by Laura Bollin Carroll was about rhetoric analysis. In rhetoric, language and images are used to persuade the audience, and the ability to evaluate it is called rhetoric analysis. Understanding the rhetorical analysis is important to make informed decisions and conclusions. Carroll also mentioned that if we are unable to make rhetoric analysis then we are a mindless consumer and it’s easy to fool us. In her essay, she also mentioned how we continuously analyzed people and the environment around us. Based on our past experience and observation, we are quick in making a judgment. I had a similar experience regarding her viewpoint. This incident happened when I was going back to my country a few months ago. In an airplane, my seat was near to the window and I was waiting for the person next to my seat. After a few minutes, a 35-40 years old Arabic guy sat next to me. Just looking at his appearance, I thought he would be rude and aggressive. But soon after the plane departed, he asked where I was from and where was my final destination. I was a little confused about whether to answer him or not. I replied to his question and ask the same question for him. After having a short conversation with him I came to know that he was traveling back to Dubai to meet his sick mother. Then he started showing the picture of her mother and started crying. He continued telling the struggles she made to raise him and make an independent man. It was 12 hours flight and throughout the flight, we were having some sorts of conversation. Surprisingly, when the plane was just about to land, he handed me a book and requested me to accept it as a gift. Then I realized that we should not make a quick judgment just based on the appearance. Therefore, just based on the observation we should not make our rhetorical analysis.

Reflection #1/Reflection #1

reflection 1

Posted by Gabriel Almonte on

Gabriel Almonte 





Cover image: 10/10 

I believe I used an image that grasps a reader’s attention while also showing detail about the item I was describing. 

Abstract: 8/10 

I believe I explained the results of the lab well while introducing ideas that support why this lab is important. I should’ve gone more in depth on other ways to test whether a gun was the issue or if there were other factors that played roles, or whether other threatening objects would have a similar reaction.  

Introduction: 810  

I believe I introduced the idea that certain factors can affect human memory, but I think I should have provided more detail on how and why this is true.  


Method: 7/10 

I believe I explained the procedure fairly well but for someone who had a hard time understanding the abstract and introduction or didn’t read them wouldn’t fully grasp the exact procedure. 



I believe I explained the results clearly, stating the different results of the control and experimental group for each of the experiments.  


Discussion: 7/10 

I believe I discussed the issue at hand well, but I should have considered that some of my audience may not have understood the topic, so I needed to simplify it or gone more in depth so the audience can fully grasp the idea. 


Conclusion: 9/10 

I believe I wrapped up the lab report well while explaining why the lab report was important, some ways this can affect the real world, the results of the lab, and left off with a question on how to improve the procedure that may cause different results.  

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