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Posted by Afeez Alli on


 Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 3 Episode 16, “The Offspring” (Netflix)

This episode was a good one to compare to today’s robot revolution. Data’s connection to Lal was somewhat cold and antiquated. Although the later denotes a negative vibe, it would be better restated as “colloquial” amidst robots akin to robot life. Data is a remarkable machine capable of calculating and analyzing large and complex sets of data very fast. As it goes on the show, he embodies walking, living technology. I don’t know how else to ascribe the following criteria to some principle of intelligence other than to share the following: I still remember the smartest kid in my high school class. And although he is not my “brain-child” nor I his. I will forever compare my idea of intelligence and standards for being smart by his scale. Similarly to how Data is portrayed on the show. Data embodyies high-tech hardware with human characteristics and not to mentions is smartest specimen in the galaxy. And he just created a “child.” An entity new to the universe that maintains his abilities and some….  If I properly adhere to the principles of mechanical engineering then as it evolves I won’t have to worry about my morals changing with the demographic of my scope. Data’s offspring did not live to see his age. Which is the key element. His age, like technology will soon be timeless. If humans integrate technology the way they intend for the future to do, like toilet appear; then the many facets of its influence will be endless and that much more monumental to the human temperament. 



Posted by Afeez Alli on


Ex Machina

Ex Machina was a brilliant film. Artificial Intelligence portrayed that way was very interesting. It was as though it were an imminent threat in the hands of our unlikliest offenders of it’s natural law. Caleb never could wish for the chance to meet one of his idols the way he did. The scenes of luxury leading up to the meet and the kind of person Nathan was denoted to be was full of many sensations. The colors of the environment and the anticipation of a character who appears to be an up-and-coming genius led us to Nathan; whom created Ava. Our feelings about Ava our developed by Caleb and his experiences interviewing her. Which were some very intense and interesting scenes. What this scenes say about A.I. I think were pretty obvious. It wasn’t until the other autonomous beings were unearthed that my own fears played a part in the story. AI is built up of many components. Google’s search engine and it’s ability to complete searches based on phrases or even loosely translated or even relevant information is uncanny. Place that one monumental capability into a walking, seemingly nature-sustaining, entity and you have what is to the beholder a powerful tool. A self learning tool; or a weapon; or a sensitive companion as AVA proved to be the above in many situations. However, again, it wasn’t until Caleb’s assistance revealed itself to be an entity as well. Nathan in essence surrounded himself with the only controls worthy of his intelligence. Caleb was simply a hired hacker whose sole responsibility was to find the flaws in Nathan’s ultimate creations. 

Week #6 Response/Week #6 Response

Reem’s Week #6 response

Posted by Reem Malek on

This episode of Star Trek is about a human android,Lal, that was made by Data, a fellow android. Data recognizes the android as his own birthed child, and the android even calls Data dad. Lal begins learning human practices by watching the team on the ship. At last, an issue in Lals brain and makes the android glitch. Data eventually discovers that he couldn’t spare Lal so he deactivated the android. Lal was winding up all the more a human qualities by communicating the love she has towards her dad Data. This raises the topic of whether it was moral to deactivate Lai. Making an android like Lai could be extremely hazardous and it raises the inquiry whether it is moral to make such creation. I am studying electrical building and one piece of the IEE code of morals is to not make whatever future destructive to society. In spite of the fact that the android was not a peril the general public, one day somebody could make an AI android that could assume control over the world. I trust that as long as you realize what you’re doing and have the experience, it is moral to make an android like Lai. In spite of the fact that Data was not able spare Lai, the production of Lai is vital for the progression of innovation. It very well may be said that Lal is the prodigy of Data since he was the one that made Lal. It very well may be additionally that the child lives with the parent until they can fight for themselves. The parent shows them everything about existence and how the world functions, anyway the commander does not think so. He is attempting to break this bond between the parent and the child and I trust that that isn’t moral. He has no option to isolate them as they are associated and he definitely should be understanding on this subject since he is a father himself. If androids somehow happened to duplicate themselves than the world may have a new population of a different breed.


Week #8

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hey all!-

Tonight we’ll start discussing our *big project* for the semester: Project #4: Portfolio!

I know, I know. We haven’t even talked abt Project #3 yet! Never fear, we will soon! Project #4 has the opportunity to become a bigger project for you to create a professional website to showcase your academic work, creativity, and rhetorical prowess, so I want to get into this EARLY.

Please bring a device that can easily access and navigate the CUNY Commons (where our course site lives), or you may borrow a laptop during class.

Important things:

If you have not done so, please post your Reflection for Project #1: Lab Report into Category: Reflection #1 on our course site ASAPI am working through your submissions this week and will (hopefully) complete this process before I leave for my conference early next week.

The course withdrawal period ends on 4/1. If you haven’t turned stuff in for my class and/or don’t plan to, please consider officially withdrawing with a grade of W, which does not negatively impact your GPA

Pusheen GIF with "thank you" in rainbow colors

Week #7 Response/Week #7 Response

Week Response 7

Posted by Roman Cook on

In the episode of Black Mirror season 3 called Nosedive, I got a glimpse of what life would look like if people were held to a rating system. People often come across on social media as if everything is perfect in their life and you typically don’t see the real them. I believe social media also leads to less meaningful in person relationships in a person’s life. Therefore, I choose to not be on any form of social media but also because I’m just not a huge fan.
In Nosedive people are giving a rating between 1 and 5 based on your interactions. This obviously makes some people want to live like they do on social media, so they come across as awesome and get 5-star ratings. People with scores over 4 are looked upon favorably and are even eligible for perks that others aren’t.
I was very interested in this episode and thought something like this could be possible in the future. People are increasingly becoming obsessed with gamified systems that they can see immediate gratification from. If restaurants, schools, drug stores and everything else is held to a rating why not humans? The only issue is who would represent themselves truthfully. Everyone would be acting fake 24/7 and anxiety and depression would likely be through the roof.
It was especially interesting when the main character saw what her life could look like if her rating was high enough and she was able to get the apartment she wanted. It totally took over her life and she became obsessed with hitting the star mark.

Posts/Week #7 Response

ZhiHong Li week 7 response

Posted by ZhiHong Li on

In the video, it is about the girl Lacie trying to get into the program. However, her GPA of 4.2 is lower than the requirement to join which is 4.5. She did try to improve GPA but life is not what so ever easy to do so and she at the end decrease her GPA. This is related  to the real world just like how some company and school only offer for the student who have high GPA and test score for the jobs and the economy support. And there is always some unfairness between the way people being treated. Lower test score does that mean the person doesn’t know how to response to the question. No, that can be affect by other case such as their sleeping condition which they study too hard but have no enough sleep which might led to this outcome. And is the grading of the teacher fair, some teacher might not know how hard the student work for improving and still fail doesn’t that means they no try hard enough. We know that not everyone is a great test taker, does the test measure how much each person know? The answer is no, just like the girl Lacie trying to improve, might be the way she try is wrong but did anyone truthy want to help and giving the advise? The “grading” is just pushing people toward the grade but not learning. The “testing” is just pushing people to remembering. the information and forget right after. That’s what the grading and testing pushing the people to, but losing the purpose of learning and understanding what they learn. Pushing people to remind and forget is making all the thing even worst without knowing if everyone understand or not. So learning morn about knowing and understanding, not about test, grade and remembering.

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