Hakeem Leonce Week 3 Response

After reading the excerpt from Safiya Noble – Algorithms of Oppression I came to a deeper understanding of the “numerical” influences of social grouping and its powerful impact of the things we see, believe and most importantly follow. On a general scale, the digital decision-making society call fair and as far from race and/or sex driven is and will always be created by men and women who are in fact the same thing they are attempting to not create. So to believe that they can create this vacuum of ideal prediction without any pre-judgements is false. These codes, and the underlying ethics of technology comes from minds that are asked to predict the future. The only way you can make a proper hypothesis, is by studying the past and present to make an educated guess of what the future will be. If this is in fact true, you cannot just blur the information of all the “others” of civilization no matter the time period.


In the excerpt there was a part that stated, “At the very least, we must ask when we find these kinds of results, Is this the best information? For Whom?”. This short line contended all that algorithms represents. To ask a program, to make sure you take in consideration all people from near and far before making your decision is impossible. So ultimately, these outcomes made will not only be for a specific group but it was also made by a specific group adding to the inaccuracy it has for all types of individuals within the huge spectrum of men and women which itself has blurred lines of identifications.


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