Self Reflection #2

Self Reflection #2

      In my technical description, I discussed the details of cupids bow and arrow. I enjoyed this assignment for the fact  that I got to choose an object that always interested me and got to come up with all of the features and attributes to it. I felt passionate as I was writing about cupid’s bow. I felt like I had really good ethos as well as pathos in writing my technical description.

      I feel as though I picked a cliche object that somehow had a really deep meaning and process behind how it works. I spent a decent amount of time trying to make sure I covered every aspect of cupid’s bow as well as his arrow and and described all of the technicalities behind it. I put in a lot of time and effort into this assignment. Personally i believe i had a left a deeper meaning behind the object alongside the technical termination of every detail on the object.

      I trust, that determined by the work I have submitted, I earned a grade of an A+. Regardless of the cliched object I renewed the item through the technical description I gave about it. I thoroughly described every single detail on the bow and arrow and somehow managed to explain it physically along with the deeper meaning behind it.

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