Sambeg’s Reflection#2

Posted by S Raj on

Sambeg Raj Subedi



Initially, I was planning to technically describe the “Calculator” but on doing further research I could not find any interesting facts about its working mechanism. So, I choose the topic “Computer mouse” as an artifact for the second project. In this technical report, I have well explained the nature of the object, scope, working mechanism, detail information and conclusion as simplest as possible to make it understandable for all readers. I choose this topic as an artifact because this topic is quite technical and fascinating. We have used this device in our everyday lives, but we don’t know about its working mechanism. So, I think this topic would be interesting for all readers.

Writing about working mechanism is always a difficult part in any technical description essay because in order to describe the whole mechanism we must have to do lots of research about the topic unless we become familiar with it. First convincing ourselves about the mechanism process is more important because until and unless we are satisfied we cannot describe and explain the process clearly making it understandable for other readers.

Though all the necessary information’s is included in this report, there are still a few things where I can improve. I think I have not used many sources to explain the theoretical part.  I could have used more sources which would certainly help the reader to understand the material clearly.

The super good aspect of this technical description is that I have used several self-explanatory pictures showing its internal parts for both ball-type and optical mouse.

If I had to grade my paper, I would rate it 9.5/10. I think I deserve this because I had followed all the criteria required for any technical description essay and more importantly, I had done a lot of research about this subject so that I could provide detail information about the topic in a more easier and understandable way.

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