Gabriel digital receipt 3
summary of a Star Trek episode
Tuesdays 5:00-6:15pm | North Academic Center Library 1/301Y [email protected] | (646) 801-1462
summary of a Star Trek episode
I have always used pathos, ethos, and logos in my writing but after reading this I realized I use this on my social media as well.
For project 3 we were assigned to do a proposal upon request by someone. My team was asked to propose a building design for a Tech company. We worked together to come up with a solid blueprint with the help of our fellow civil engineer, Hakeem. He was able to make a blueprint that showed the building in its entirety. We gave him feedback and made minor changes to the blueprint. This allowed us to work as a team. I oversaw making sure that all the tech rooms were in the right area and not so accessible to the normal employ as well as have enough room for expansion of the tech room. I was also in charge of being able to do some part of the power point presentation that we presented to the board to show what our proposal was to what the tech company wanted. As a group we did well in communication. We were able to make a group chat and split up the work evenly which allowed us to work efficiently. I would like it if we asked each other more questions to get clarification on each other parts. However, all in all, we did well, and I would give my group a 95 because we worked well together and there was good communication between everyone. We also were able to give a good presentation that had a ton of detail in terms of what we wanted to do in terms of building and lay out of the of the build.
-Tanvir Youhana
At this point we have completed the proposial and are working to complete the powerpoint and spliting up the parts of the presentation so that we all get a chance to speak. We also took some time to see if we can answer some mock questions that we prepared in advance so that we know that if we were asked some questions we would be able to answer them on the spot without freezing. I also hope that we are able to get alot of the work done today so that we dont have to stress about it later on.
-Tanvir Youhana
We have completed the proposial for the group project and have moved onto doing the presentation. We had decided on the design for the building that we wanted to build. We had so many ideas on what to do for the design, but we decided making the space open as possible with a lot space for creative thinking space. We split up the work for the powerpoint and decided to meet up before class to rehearse our roles.
-Tanvir Youhana
Group Members: Geetangalie Goberdan, Mohamed Layachi, Kayla Ye, Reem Malek
PRODUCT: earphones
NAME OF PRODUCT: CLOUDS DESCRIPTION/ PURPOSE: We’ve all heard of AirPods, Apple’s version of wireless earphones released back in 2016. Since then, people of all ages use them from middle schoolers to people in retirement homes, in hopes of looking for some peace. One must admit, the Airpods were a great idea and the society believed so too, seeing that since then more and more companies released earphones that are similar in design. However, if you have ever actually used Airpods or have known someone who does, you’ve probably heard of people often losing them. The wireless design makes it that these earphones are often easily lost when dropped.