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Weekly Response #10

Posted by Alexander Rao on

Her – Quite a strange film. The different thoughts about what a loving romantic relationship is are interesting and a bit concerning. The person in this movie is quite clearly damaged in his view of other people in the world. The computer is like a blank slate that learns how to interact from him, and only him primarily. It is of course going to learn to behave in the way that is most pleasing to him. Obviously this turns into something that he laves, but it is like falling in love with yourself in a way. The computer, while it has it’s own awareness, is inclined toward the user from the start and must use him as its testing platform for anything it may learn from other sources like online, for example. So, for him to fall in love with the OS, is like falling in love with himself. The ex-wife makes a really good point when she says that she is happy he found something to care about that doesn’t have real emotions that he has to deal with. The emotional depth of a computer that only knows one person well, is not comparable to the emotional depth of a normal human being. The fact that this depth is enough for him to be emotionally satisfied is strange to say the least.


Digital Reciept #9

Posted by Alexander Rao on

Two faces of the same person, one very akwardOur rhetorical analysis can make us see the same person in VERY different manners. We have many good reasons to judge a book by it’s cover when the book gets to choose it’s cover for itself.

Week #10 Response/Week #10 Response

common #10

Posted by Weijun Huang on

After seeing the film, I didn’t feel very well. Technology is an integral part of our everyday lives. But in “Her,” I found that technology isn’t all good for us. In this more and more rapid progress of technology, human beings have been able to put a lot of things to technology to complete, will make us lazy. Although technology has made our life more convenient, it has completely changed our lives. For example, usually we can go out to chat and play, but now the mobile phone can solve everything. The entertainment aspect can already use the computer to solve.

The next step in technology may be robots. In the movie, it makes me feel terrible to show how technology can do what humans can do. If we invent this kind of robot in the future, make sure it’s controllable. If they have emotions and can do everything we humans can and cannot do. Will it take our place as masters of the world? Of course, this kind of thing is two sides, it can coexist peacefully, the benefits will be great. However, this kind of uncertainty will still make me feel afraid if it is possible. And the meme for this is I can’t believe that if a robot is living in our daily and it looks like a human.

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