Weekly Response 6

Technology and Ethics are two crucial aspects of the engineering world. They dictate how we do things, solve problems, relate to each other and communicate.
Obviously, we are becoming more dependent on technology in our lives and work environments. As Rick Smolan said, “Every time there’s a new tool, whether it’s Internet or cell phones or anything else, all these things can be used for good and evil. Technology is neutral; it depends on how it’s used.” (Brainy Quote) Engineering is no different in this respect. We use tech to solve calculations, generate models for our buildings and communicate with our colleagues. We can also become too dependent on it to some extent. It would be virtually impossible to go a day with out using tech in some fashion.
Likewise, ethics are an essential bedrock of any industry or business. Ethics are the hidden guideline for how we coexist and work together in a quality manner. With out ethics much of every industry would be corrupt and impossible to navigate fairly. Bidding jobs, contracts, safety, and many more engineering-based core principles would be at jeopardy with out ethics.
Is there a parallel between ethics and tech in the work space? I believe technology some what negatively effects ethics. The more we use tech the less we work together to form solid relationships from what trust is built. This allows for less ethics overall since there are less face to face interactions. Ethics are supposed to be woven into our industries naturally, but it is difficult to uphold those ethics when we spend less and less time together.

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