
Briefcases Vs. Backpacks

            In this article, written by Laura Bolin Carroll, Rhetoric and the importance is explained in a variety of different ways. The author, herself uses pathos, logos, and ethos in her way of describing the three rhetorical appeals.

First, in her writing she begins by saying, “The moment your professor walked in the room, you likely began analyzing her and making assumptions about what kind of teacher she will be.” (45) She uses this quote to catch our attention as student. Not just in the beginning of her article but throughout the whole thing she uses multiple real-life examples that we know most people experience daily. This helps us understand how different things catch the attention of people.

Secondly, she also talks about implications of rhetorical analysis. As we may have experienced at some point in our lives people often comprehend ideas differently. You might say something, and people may draw a completely different meaning from it than you intended this is very important when you look at who your audience is. Your writing must adapt to your specific audience.

Finally, she gives us very good explanations of each rhetorical appeals. For example, throughout out the article she lets us know that, ethos is the credibility one uses in an article, for example using good citing resources, we know that pathos means appeal by emotion which I believe is the best rhetorical appeal but depends on each audience, and a very important on is logos, writer use logos to logically explain ideas in ways that make perfect sense to members of the audience.

Overall, you still might ask yourself what is rhetoric? People might define rhetoric in many ways, but to me rhetoric is simply appealing to the chosen matter by using either ethos logos, or pathos to properly plead your case, sell your ad, appeal to audience, and many more things the goal at the end of the day is to use the three rhetorical appeals in ways of getting an audience’s attention.

Works Cited

Carroll, Laura Bolin. “Steps towards rhetorical analysis.” Backpacks Vs. Briefcases.


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