
Technologies is a double-edged sword

There is no doubt that it is quite harmful for people to accept the using of technologies in a way. They let us lose ourselves sometimes and unsafe for the world security because of technologies existing. Even it is a kind of dangerous thing if people cannot control it correctly. Despite it, people can still get a lot of convenience and benefits from technologies. From a very large extent, technologies promote the standard of people’s lives.

It is true that there is a big problem for people to be controlled by technologies. A quite common phenomenon exists at present, that is, a great number of people cannot do anything or even cannot live without technologies. They totally become a kind of slaves of technology. For example, the popularity of using phones has become much more for people recently, especially for young people. Phones are the representations of modern world. A large quantity of people are attracted by the function of phones. They start to be focus on or even addicted to it. Thus, they gradually lose themselves,

PictureCredit: https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=i+hate+mobile+phones+memes&chips=q:i+hate+mobile+phones+memes,online_chips:addicted&usg=AI4_-kSjw8bzQ29P2z1bIlCSgQS_O6kvLQ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwipu4-nybXiAhUGm-AKHTIsAyUQ4lYIKigB&biw=1366&bih=608&dpr=1#imgrc=06BUaYNV3jrbpM:


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