Week 8
I found both of these episodes of Black Mirror to be really interesting. In the episode titled “History of You” people in this society have a tiny grain implanted in the back of their ears. This grain records anything they hear, speak or see and they can access these memories anytime on a TV or their eye. I thought this was a really cool thing to have until Liam practically went insane after going through many redos. These grains could also be an invasion of privacy. Someone could force a person to play one of their memories on a video player. The grains are also similar to social media today. Anyone could see what you post on social media. A lot of times, social media users post their memories such as pictures or thoughts. Things that were posted in the past can be brought up and be damaging to a person’s life. In the episode, the grain destroyed the marriage of Liam and his wife.
The episode San Junipero is about a simulation that deceased or elderly get uploaded into a simulation where they could be in their younger bodies. In the beginning I didn’t think much of the episode. Later on in the episode, I learn that Torkie and Kelly are in a simulation and that they are actually really old. I thought this was a really interesting idea. A way for anyone to live forever, even after they die. Although this might sound nice, to never die, I feel like life could get boring. Personally, I don’t think I would want to be put into San Junipero. I feel like knowing that I am in a simulation, I would realize that there really isn’t a purpose in this simulation so what is the purpose of living.