Kayla’s Week 6 Response

In the field of Chemical Engineering, there are many instances in which the use of technology is very dependent. If it were possible, to perfect the creation of androids, the better. In ChE, there is constant contact with elements of all kinds, those that are safe and those that aren’t. There are many instances where experiments cannot be carried out or discoveries cannot be made simply because the materials that are needed are too dangerous, high radioactivity, for example. This issue holds the scientific world back so much because as humans, there is a danger of losing ones’ life. However, if the science androids were able to be perfected, that would mean many opened doors. Like the robot who can perform surgery released a few years prior that had began the revolution of surgeries, androids would do so too in chemical engineering. On the other hand, to what extent can there be a guarantee that androids would be accepting of the dangers of this profession. As said in Star Trek: The Next Generation, android Data said his purpose was to “contribute in a positive way to the world in which we live in”, but until when will these androids become self-aware, that they are being treated differently. In a previous response, the question of the rights of androids in society; are they equivalent to a human, do the rights that humans posses they posses too? But whatever the decision is, what role does ethics play. There is no definite answer that these doors that opened up are the road to a more advanced society worthy of its risks because if it were, the rules of ethics would’ve been breached by a engineer already.

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