Jaspreet Jaswal Backpacks vs Breifcases

Backpacks Vs Briefcases by Laura Carroll, discussed the significance of rhetorical perusal while simultaneously discussing how we play over rhetoric in our everyday lives. In the text, Caroll initially brings the conversation of rhetoric by implying how we are quickly able to judge another person based on their appearance and style of choice. Carroll goes into detail further on when talking about the media and how their tactics impact us on daily basis- “Understanding rhetorical messages is essential to help us to become informed consumers, but it also helps evaluate the ethics of messages, how they affect us personally, and how they affect society”. Carroll initiates the conversation about ethos, logos, and pathos and correlates those concepts to the idea of rhetoric.  I myself practiced rhetorical analysis throughout my life since I have also been following sneaker trends and fashion trends as the media portrays it. In High school, you were not considered one of the ‘cool’ students if you didn’t have the latest releases of jordan retros.

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