Geetangalie’s Week #1 Response

The comic, Understanding Rhetoric: A Graphic Guide to Writing, was constructed to help readers understand the idea of rhetoric in a simplified way. The comic first introduces the negative conceptions of rhetoric, in particular, those of the past. Rhetoric has always had some negative connotations as people perceive it as something used for debate or other intense conversation where you are trying to shut down someone else. This being caused by the incorrect understanding and definition of rhetoric being passed around. To correct this misconception, the authors explained a few main points which encompass rhetoric; ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos. Ethos meaning ethics, which is used to prove credibility, earning the audience’s trust. Pathos meaning empathy, in which the speaker or writer invokes emotion commonly through images. Logos meaning logical, as in the statistical evidence which can help in the development of your argument as it supports your points. Kairos is based around timing and its importance, whether it be not rushing an assignment or completing a piece while an event is still relevant.

The article labeled Labor Log serves the purpose of teaching how to keep track of the work you complete. Recording your labor done for the course helps to trace your progress and helps the instructor to be aware of your strong points and weaknesses. Maintaining an account of all the time and work you put into assignments and projects are important in proving your credibility. Labor Log shows you how to properly record your data by explaining what is necessary to document no matter how you decide to showcase this work. When Your Grades Are Based on Labor summarizes into five points how you should work when your grading isn’t penalized for mistakes and isn’t based around tests and quizzes like a typical classroom. This article teaches students to focus on remembering their purpose while completing an assignment, don’t be shy to broaden their horizons and work to their highest potential.

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