ZhiHong Li week #3
In the “SAFIYA NOBLE – Algorithms of Oppression” it mention about that in the algorithms and architectures the very people/ the most successful people are openly using the negative sexist and racist attitude when they are working. And they think that the race with the sex will have more expression of the race. And in the article it show that picture of people googling the phase “Black girls” which the result is so what I expected. The image show the google result of searching “Black girls” is all the sex and the porn stuff at the first top 5 result. And other few image highlight the idea that the color will affect the objective toward a gender. Such as the word Black people implies the negative connotation toward it, and the word white implies the positive connotation when searching “why are white/black woman so” It pop up the different connotation and objective toward the group of people. In my opinion, I think that people should no view the color as different and how bad this group is and that. If we accept the idea that the old society is putting on to people the world will never improve and will grew into war and violent just like how Hitler change Germany the objective toward Jewish. Imagine yourself in this case being the one who being apply all the negative connotation what will you think. When people thinking about the issue we often just focus on will we be the one who benefit from it as the question and the result. But do people think about this question who will be hurt from the outcome of the issue. We should put our view in other’s perspective other than being selfish and turning into “Hitler” what we consider is bad but people often don’t realize that when we spread the word we are doing what Hitler did. So be mindful about our word and though.