week 2
Gabriel Almonte
In “Inside Tesla’s Audacious Push to Reinvent the Way Cars are Made” it uses many visual elements. The article starts off by stating the company’s agenda to speed up the production process as they were 17,000 cars behind their expected production by December 2018. The article then showed a picture of the exterior of the new assembly line in California. It didn’t look very modern, the assembly line looked cheaply made and seemed like it was made with a very small budget. The article was trying to show how them being behind in production made their budget tight. The next picture was of a Tesla worker that looked like he was shining the leather on a seat. They used this picture because it was stated that the robots that were being used to put the seats into the cars were having trouble fulfilling all their tasks. They said the robots were too slow and were very inconsistent, after a while they decided to use the robots to place all the seats in the car and have the workers handle bolts and the handle the electronic connectors. They then used a picture of their robots in the assembly line to show the difference in Tesla’s production compared to other car companies. Usually car companies start off by paying workers to produce the cars, but it cuts into profits so they either move production to a country with cheaper labor or they start using AI’s to make production cheaper. Tesla has done the opposite they started off with the use of robots and then decided to use more workers to increase production numbers.